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The Budka School District was formally established in January 1914 and a schoolhouse operated at this location in the Rural Municipality of Alonsa. In addition to the school building, the site had a teacher’s residence building and a barn for horses used by the students to ride to school.
The district operated until being amalgamated into the McCreary Municipal School District No. 1348 in April 1936, then operating as the Budka School within said municipal school district centred in McCreary. Two years later, in March 1938, the Budka School was reorganized and restored with its original district number before being merged a month later, in April, into the new McCarthy School District No. 1861. The McCarthy School District was established with three wards (one for each of the constituent districts) and catchment areas redrawn. The three schools, Glenhope School, Armstrong School, and Budka School, all retained their former district names for their respective schoolhouses. It operated within the McCarthy School District until the being was dissolved into the Turtle River School Division.
A monument commemorating Budka School, the steps of which have been incorporated into said, was erected in July 2002.
The teachers of Budka School included J. F. Kasperski (Fall 1914 - Spring 1915), W. J. Mushinski (Fall 1915 - Spring 1916), Cornelius T. Siekierski (Fall 1916 - Spring 1917 & September 1917 - February 1918), Stephen B. Wolanczyk (March-June 1918 & Fall 1918 - Spring 1919), Andrew W. Danyleyko (September-October 1919), J. M. Hawryluk (December 1919 - January 1920), William H. Howard (January-June 1920), Michael John Kozier (Fall 1920 - Fall 1921 & November 1922 - June 1923), Elizabeth May (Spring 1922 & August 1922), E. R. Zedare [Zedan?] (September 1922), Elizabeth White (October 1920), John P. Kraus (November 1920), V. McGowan (Fall 1923 - Spring 1924, wife of E. H. McGowan), Ethel Mary McCaskill (Fall 1924 - Spring 1925), Mrs. Jean Swanson (Fall 1925 - Spring 1926), Ella Elizabeth Umphrey (Fall 1926 - Spring 1928), Charles Edward Clare Durnin (Fall 1928 - Spring 1929), Gilbert J. Harris (Fall 1929 - Spring 1930), Margaret Anne Taylor (Fall 1930 - Spring 1935), Anne “Annie” Nowazek (Fall 1935 - Spring 1936), Mary Louise Thompson (Fall 1936 - Fall 1938), Mrs. Katherine B. McDonell (Spring 1939), Aneita Gertrude Snyder (Fall 1939 - Spring 1940), Harold Andrew Lyons (Fall 1940 - Spring 1941 & August-November 1941), Margaret C. Stephens (November-December 1941), Nanalow “Nan” Duke (January-June 1942), Lena Giesbrecht (Fall 1942 - Spring 1944), Polly B. Cherniak (Fall 1944 - Spring 1946), Nestor Michalchuk (Fall 1946 - Spring 1947), Lawwrence “Larry” Zbeetnoff (1947-1948), Edith Ann Fingland (Fall 1948), records not available (Spring 1949 - Spring 1950), Mary Didychuk (Fall 1950 - Spring 1951), Anne Romaniuk (Fall 1951 - Spring 1953), and Nazar Watcyk (Fall 1953 - Spring 1956).
Budka School (no date) by C. K. Rogers
Source: Archives of Manitoba, School Inspectors Photographs,
GR8461, A0233, C131-3, page 22.
Budka School commemorative monument (August 2012)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
Steps of the former Budka School building at the site (August 2012)
Source: Gordon GoldsboroughSite Coordinates (lat/long): N50.66897, W99.19041
denoted by symbol on the map above
Manitoba School Records Collection, Budka School District #1717 - Daily Registers, GR2052, Archives of Manitoba.
Summative half-yearly returns for school districts (A 0051), GR0571, Archives of Manitoba.
Departmentally appointed school trustee files (E 0034), McCarthy School District No. 1861 - Cash Book, GR1629, Archives of Manitoba.
School division half-yearly attendance reports (E 0757), Archives of Manitoba.
Orders-In-Council (EC 0003B), Order-in-Council #29520, GR1530, Archives of Manitoba.
Orders-In-Council (EC 0003B), Order-in-Council #432/36, #320/38, #321/38, #322/38, & #394/38, GR0589, Archives of Manitoba.
Legislative Council proclamation files (J 0369), Proclamation #3 - School District of McCarthy, GR5717, Archives of Manitoba.
McCreary: Milestones and Memories by McCreary History Book Committee, 1987, pages 153-154.
One Hundred Years in the History of the Rural Schools of Manitoba: Their Formation, Reorganization and Dissolution (1871-1971) by Mary B. Perfect, MEd thesis, University of Manitoba, April 1978.
Tracks of Time: Glenella and Districts by Glenella History Committee, 1990, page 127. [Manitoba Legislative Library, F5648.G65 Tra]
We thank Ken Kozier for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Nathan Kramer, Allan Drysdale, and Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 19 September 2023
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