Historic Sites of Manitoba: Paterson Grain Elevator (Balmoral, RM of Rockwood)

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Agents / Buyers | Photos & Coordinates | Sources

A 40,000-bushel wooden grain elevator at Balmoral, on the CPR Arborg Subdivision in the Rural Municipality of Rockwood, was built by Paterson Grain in 1935 to replace an 1898 elevator purchased from the Northern Elevator Company in 1918. A 60,000-bushel crib annex was built on its north side in 1952 and 15,000-bushel steel tanks were added in 1969. Major renovations were made in 1976. Closed in the fall of 2002, the elevator was demolished in August 2003.

Agents / Buyers


Agent / Buyer


H. B. Starner


W. H. House


J. Stephenson


G. H. Paterson


H. Bell


Jim Moore


Stanley “Stan” Popplestone (c1941-2011)


F. J. Hibbert


George Miller


Bud Miller


Stanley “Stan” Popplestone (c1941-2011)



Photos & Coordinates

Paterson grain elevator at Balmoral

Paterson grain elevator at Balmoral (July 1999)
Source: Agricore United Engineering Department, Tom Price (Mgr), provided by Glenn Dickson (University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections)

Paterson grain elevator at Balmoral

Paterson grain elevator at Balmoral (December 2002)
Source: George Penner

Site Coordinates (lat/long): N50.25411, W97.31026
denoted by symbol on the map above


100 Years of History: Rockwood Municipality, 1982, page 203.

Balmoral: 1872-1997, page 20.

“Another elevator to fall,” Stonewall Argus and Teulon Times, 4 August 2003, page 2.

Obituary [Stanley Popplestone], Winnipeg Free Press, 27 April 2011.

Obituaries and burial transcriptions, Manitoba Genealogical Society.

We thank Jack McKinnon, Dale Barbour, and George Penner for providing information used here.

This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.

Page revised: 9 March 2025

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