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The Churchill Railway Station, 1992
The station was built in 1929-30 to serve as the terminus of the Hudson Bay Railway, primarily to move grain to the new port on Hudson Bay, and illustrates the railway’s crucial role in the development of northern Manitoba. The building was declared a Heritage Railway Station in 1992. It has since been restored by Parks Canada.
Source: Parks Canada
Manitoba Expands Northward: A Special Edition of Manitoba History
by Jim Mochoruk
Developing a Better Model: Aboriginal Employment and the Resource Community of Leaf Rapids, Manitoba (1971-1977)
by Sarah Ramsden
High Stakes and Hard Times: Herb Lake and Depression-Era Mining in Northern Manitoba
by Will Steinburg
W. J. Waines, the IUN Crisis of 1978, and the Development of Post-Secondary Education in Northern Manitoba
by Jennifer Marchant & Tom Mitchell
A Trapper’s Diary from Northern Manitoba, 1928-1946
by Rosemary Malaher
Roblin City: A Gleaming Metropolis on the Bay
by James Burns & Gordon Goldsborough
James Isham (c1716-1761): How an Eighteenth Century Fur Trader is Influencing Canada Today
by Scott Stephen
Book Reviews
P. G. Downes, Sleeping Island: The Narrative of a Summer’s Travel in Northern Manitoba and the Northwest Territories. Edited with a new Introduction and Notes by R. H. Cockburn
by Graham A. MacDonald
Frances Swyripa, Storied Landscapes: Ethno-Religious Identity and the Canadian Prairies
Peter J. Melnycky
Hugh A. Dempsey, Always an Adventure: An Autobiography
by W. B. Yeo
Cool Things in the Collection:
Spotlight on Northern Manitoba, Photographs in the Hudson’s Bay Company Archives by Debra Moore
Page revised: 25 April 2021