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Cells in the basement of the Vaughan Street Jail, May 2006.
Photo by Gordon Goldsborough |
Uncertain Margins: Métis and Saulteaux Identities in St-Paul des Saulteaux, Red River 1821-1870
by Nicole St-Onge
Three Manitoba Pioneer Women: A Legacy of Servant-Leadership
by Carolyn Crippen
Hayes River Designated a Canadian Heritage River
by Parks Canada
Two Railway Titans Meet at Winnipeg, 1909
by Margaret Arnett Macleod
Greening the Treeless Plain
by Gordon Goldsborough
Mapping Hutterite Colony Diffusion in North America
by John Lehr, Brian McGregor, and Weldon Hiebert
The Great Winnipeg Boom
by Charles N. Bell
Louts, Lunatics, and Loose Women at the Vaughan Street Jail
by Kristen Verin-Treusch
A Family Memoir: The Men of #2 Company, Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry, 1915
by Phillip R. Giffin
J. P. Bertrand, Timber Wolves: Greed and Corruption in Northwestern Ontario's Timber Industry, 1875-1960
by Graham A. MacDonald
Herb Schulz, A View From the Ledge: An Insider's Look at the Schreyer Years
by Paul G. Thomas
Mark Moore, Saving the Game: Pro Hockey's Quest to Raise its Game from Crisis to New Heights
by Daniel S. Lenoski
Louis A. Knafla and Jonathan Swainger (eds.), Law and Societies in the Canadian Prairie West, 1670-1940
by J. M. Bumsted
Christine Mazur, Simon Statkewich, and David Relkoff (eds.), Manitoba Climbers: A Century of Stories from the Birthplace of The Alpine Club of Canada
by Gordon Goldsborough
Page revised: 12 October 2014