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Winnipeg: Corner Main Street and Portage Avenue
Source: T. M. Martin RCA from Canada by Wilfred Campbell, 1907
Louis Riel’s Land Claims by Thomas Flanagan
Reminiscences of an Old Timer (Part 2) by Jean A. Drever (Mrs. W. Cyprian Pinkham)
The Brandon Asylum Fire of 1910 by Kurtland Refvik
Where is Deering’s Point? by Allen Ronaghan
Grandview and Theodore A. Burrows by Donald F. Parrot
Rowing Memories by Conrad S. Riley
The Buildings of the Winnipeg-Based Union and Northern Crown Banks: A Glimpse into Early Twentieth Century Corporate Architecture by David Spector
Doug Smith, Joe Zuken: Citizen and Socialist by James Naylor
Morris Mott and John Allardyce, Curling Capital: Winnipeg and the Roarin’ Game 1876 to 1988 by Rodger Guinn
Michael Payne, The Most Respectable Place in the Territory: Everyday Life in Hudson’s Bay Company Service - York Factor, 1788 to 1870 by L. G. Thomas
Christian Leden (translated by Leslie Neatby, edited by Shirlee Anne Smith), Across the Keewatin Icefields: Three Years Among the Canadian Eskimos, 1913-1916 by David Murray
Delbert F. Plett (editor), Pioneers and Pilgrims, the Mennonite Kleine Gemeinde in Mantoba, Nebraska and Kansas, 1874 to 1882 by S. C. Sharman
Suzanne Zeller, Inventing Canada: Early Victorian Science and the Idea of a Transcontinental Nation by Norman R. Ball
Page revised: 4 September 2017