The following news item appeared in the March 19, 1880
edition of the "Port Hope Guide".
"Messrs, Jabez, James, Joshua and T. D. Elliott
left Port Hope on
Tuesday past, 16th inst., for the Prairie Province. They carry with
them a loaded car of implements, machinery, seed, etc. We are
exceedingly sorry to lose such men but they will make their mark in
their new home."
The previous year, Thomas, brother of Jabez, James and Joshua, along
with Richard and James Kinley, young Gus Cory, son of Richard Cory, and
others from the Port Hope area, had preceded the three Elliott brothers
to the west in search of land for a new home. By June they had reached
the banks of the Souris River in Town¬ship 7, Range 17, of Oakland
Municipality. Each selected a homestead for himself and Thomas chose
locations for his brothers.
Jabez was accompanied on the trip west by his wife, Catherine
(McCulloch), and their three chil¬dren. By 1883 they had 120 acres in
crop and an additional 50 acres under cultivation. A house, two stables
and a granary had also been built.
Jabez farmed there until his death in 1906. His wife died in 1914 and
both are buried in Methven Cemetery.
In addition to farming Jabez began selling basic supplies out of his
home, and when the village of Souris City was located near his farm he
established the first store and operated it for a short time before

July 27, 1884, Brandon Sun
The Elliott Settlement
This section of the country became known as the Elliott Settlement.
Later when the railroad was built south from Brandon, an elevator and
siding erected on the NW 1/4 of Section 20, became known as Elliott's
There a granary was built where bagged grain could be stored. When a
grain car was available, the grain was carried into the car and emptied
by Almon and Oliver Elliott who did a considerable amount of this hard
work. A few years later the Northern Elevator was built and operated by
horsepower with Mr. F.O. Fowler as the first operator.
Some 50 years later, as times changed, the elevator was dismantled and
the siding no longer used. Now that the track has been removed, very
little evidence remains of this pioneer landmark, but for the period
during World War 1, there were seven Mrs. Elliotts living within a mile
of this siding.

Map from 1935 showing elevators