We Made Wawanesa Index

We Made Wawanesa

Pioneer Merchant

Storekeeper J.J. Story 



J.J. Story

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Story came from Ontario to Manitoba in the year 1889. They came from the town of Lanarch and planned to settle on the townsite that became the village of Wawanesa. They journeyed by rail as far as Glenboro, then packing all their worldly goods and possessions into a wagon and driving a team of horses, they proceeded on their way. They arrived on the hill overlooking the river and the beautiful valley on August 1, 1889.

Mrs. Story cast the die that led to Wawanesa's creation. She drank in the beauty of the glorious panorama. "Oh, J.J., let's stay here. We'll never find a more beautiful spot. And I'm sure there will be plenty of families soon move in and settle here."
Mr. Story erected the first building in Wawanesa, which served as a general store and post office with living quarters above.
Here the first three children of a family of five were born.


From the Wawanesa Enterprise ca. 1894

About this time Mr. and Mrs. Story took a house apart from the store, the old store was moved up the street and a new larger store built. Some time in the early 1900's Mr. Story sold his business, though not the building. Then in 1910 Mr. and Mrs. Story with their family moved to Vancouver. However, circumstances made it necessary for Mr. Story to take over his business in Wawanesa and in 1915 he returned. He built up the business once more and carried on until 1922 when he sold out to Mr. George Harrison. He then spent a few years working as an adjuster for the Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company. Mr. and Mrs. Story returned to Vancouver in 1927, where they planned to make a home. But Mr. Story's health had failed and he passed away in 1929. Mrs. Story lived until 1943.

Adapted from Sipiweski, page 487