Mr. Ferris was born in Sutton, Ontario, in August 1858
and spent much of his youth on sailboats on the Great Lakes. In the
early 1890's most of the family moved to the Miami, Manitoba, district
and Mr. Ferris came on
to Glenboro, at that time the end of railway
line. After working there a few years he was approached by J.J. Story
who had just settled at the location that was soon to become Wawanesa.
He was able to persuade Joe Ferris to come back with him and start
erecting a building. Before winter set
in the building had progressed
far enough for Story’s to move in. Wawanesa
was now established.
Joe decided to settle in Wawanesa and entered into partnership with a
Tom Stevenson in the furniture and woodworking business. Those were the
days when furniture was made principally of solid oak, walnut or
maple-no veneers and some of the furniture they sold 50 and 60 years
ago is still rendering useful service in the district. This partnership
dissolved in 1919 on the death of Mr. Stevenson.
Mr. Ferris was also a licensed mortician, and in 40 years of
undertaking services, buried a good many of our pioneers in the
cemeteries of Wawanesa, Minnewawa, Methven, Rounthwaite, Millford,
Hilton and Margaret. The present Wawanesa Post Office stands on the
site of the old furniture store building.
Adapted from “Oakland Echoes” p266
In the News
A man with the varied interests and abilities of J.C. Ferris was bound
to be mentioned often in the local press.
The Wawanesa newspapers of the 1890’s chronicled his activities and
regularly ran his display advertising.
Sept 1, 1893: Mr. Jos. Ferris is making a good job of the carpenter
work on Neithercut’s place.
Sept 6, 1893:
Chambers’ bank is going ahead rapidly. It is to be of brick, and when
finished will present a handsome appearance. Mr. J.C. Ferris has the
content for the carpenter work, and Mr. T. Booker the brick work.
Mr. Niethercut is now in his fine new brick store. Mr. Jos. Ferris has
done excellent work in the store fittings.
Oct 20, 1893: Mr. J.C. Ferris is building the foundation of a large
brick residence on 5th Street.
Dec 1, 1893: Mr. Chas. Lambert has sold out his furniture business to
Messre Jos. C. Ferris and Thos. Stevenson.
Sept 28, 1894: Mr. Ferris has finished up fitting Fleming’s drugstore.
April 19, 1895
While driving into town last Sunday night, Dr. Vanstone and Mr. J.C.
Ferris lost their way in the windstorm and pitchy darkness and drove
over a 50-feet bank. Both gentlemen were badly shaken up, Mr. Ferris
spraining his shoulder severely, necessitating his taking a complete
rest for a few days.

Jan. 12, 1893