Lodge Hall
Construction Date: 1922
Location: 112 Fourth St.
Original Owner / Builder: Independent Order of Oddfellows
Building History:
- hair stylist / barber shop
- Retail / Paper printed here
- apartment above
- once a movie house
- laundomat where stage was
- upper floor used for high school after old building condemned
Building Features of Interest:
- part of original 1900 building incorporated in re-built structure
after 1922 fire
- old register / floor
- chain link symbol on facade

Band House
Construction Date: 1938
Location: 132 Fifth Street
Original Owner / Builder: Wawanesa Community Band
Features of Interest:
- wood siding
- Band formed in 1901 - long established community org.
- music and instruments transferred to School Band Program in 1983
- used as a classroom when school evacuated in 2011

Cliff Street
Features of Interest:
- overlooks the Souris River Valley

Construction Date: 1892
Location: Commercial Street
Original Owner / Builder:
Racetrack established in 1892 - still used today
Features of Interest:
Wawanesa was a centre for horse racing.
Site generally known as the "Turf Club" |

'Construction Date: 1908
Location: Seventh Street
Original Owner / Builder:
Features of Interest:
Survived the 1976 flood, damaged slightly in the 2011 flood.

Rail Bridge
Construction Date: 1924 - after the originall structure collapsed
causing 1 death
Original Owner / Builder: C.N.R.
Features of Interest:
- original (1889) also had a span for horse and carriage traffic
- second bridge built in 1903

