Notable People Index

Booker, J.
Claims:  Inventor of the Booker Stove – with  a unique design and draft system, resulting in a highly efficient consumption of fuel.
Probable Significance: High
Source: Sipiweske:  26
Images: N/A
Content: Little additional information

Britton, Mr.
Claims:  Established a brickyard south of Wawanesa prior to 1890. Brick still exists on several local buildings
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Sipiweske:  22
Images: No image
Content: Some additional information

Freek, W.
Claims:  Established a brickyard with Mr. Coupland at Souris City ca. 1882. Bricks were of lower quality – used for wells
Probable Significance: Medium
Images: No image
Content: Some additional information
Winnipeg Daily Sun on the 27 of November 1882. Under a heading reading “The Bountiful Harvest, Two Hundred Thousand Bushels of Wheat Harvested at Souris City”, the report was based apparently on interview with Mr. W. Freek, who also reported that his brickyard had manufactured 150 000 bricks that year. 
Green, G.W.
Claims:  Pump manufacturer and dealer
Probable Significance: Modest
Source: Sipiweske:  10
Images: As Above
Content: Little additional information

Green, J. E.
Claims:  Pump Maker and repairs. Kept a thoroughbred Berkshire Boar, “For service”.
Agent for Sylvester Bothers Implements in1893.
Probable Significance: Modest
Source: Wawanesa Enterprise, Dec. 23, 1892
Images: N/A
Content: Little additional information

Gregory, John
Biography:  Came from Wingham ON. Died 1896, Nesbitt.
Claims:  Built Gregory’s Mill about in ca. 1884, expanded it in 1890. Was a vital service to the region.
Probable Significance: Major
Source: False Starts -
Images: N/A
Content: Good additional information

McKenzie, John
Biography: Came from near Strathroy ON. in 1880. Died 1935
Claims:  Farmer and brick maker. Dealt in horses and many other commodities – general entrepreneur. Installed a pump organ with mantle lights in the Wawanesa Presbyterian Church.
Probable Significance: High
Source: Sipiweske:  284
Images: N/A
Content: Some additional information

Snider, A.W.
Claims:  Built the Wawanesa Flour Mill in 1895 with D.N.Russell. Bought out Mr. Russell in 1903.
Probable Significance: Major
Source: Sipiweske:  22
Images: As Above
Content: Some additional information