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Timeline... 1870 - 1879

The World

1876:  Battle of Little Bighorn, June 25 and 26. A combined Lakota, Northern Cheyenne and Arapaho force, overwhelms the 7th Cavalry Regiment of the United States.

1876: Alexander Graham Bell successfully transmits the first bi-directional transmission of clear speech. An improved design for the “telephone” was patented the next year.



The newly created Northwest Mounted Police march west from Dufferin, Manitoba, on passing the Turtle Mountains they have a brief glimpse of some of the Minnesota Sioux and their white captives.  


1870: May 12: The Manitoba Act: The Province of Manitoba enters Confederation largely on terms put forward by Louis Riel
1871: Manitoba Public Schools Act passed, providing for the creation of publicly tax-supported Protestant and Roman Catholic school systems
1874: July 31 – The first Russian Mennonites arrive at Winnipeg on the steamer International.
1875: Icelanders arrive in Winnipeg en route for a settlement near Gimli just beyond Manitoba’s then-northern boundary
1877: Manitoba’s first railway locomotive, The Countess of Dufferin, arrives in Winnipeg via steamboat
1878: December 4 – the first freight by rail reached St. Boniface.  First export of wheat from the prairies
1879: First grain elevator built in Niverville. Telephone links Winnipeg and Selkirk

The Wawanesa Area


May 12 – Parliament passes Manitoba Act, creating new province of Manitoba.


Souris Mouth Post Office and Land Titles Office established at "the mouth". (Other accounts mention 1880 – the first mention found in Manitoba newspapers is from 1880 – although


Steamboats service established the Assiniboine as far as Fort Ellis.

Township of Oakland surveyed by Dominion Lands Surveyors it was part of Ward 11 in Brandon Municipality