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Timeline... 1800 - 1849

The World

1805-06:  Lewis and Clark lead an expedition across North-western United States to the Pacific Ocean.


The War of 1812 – 14.

In what is essentially a war between The United States and Britain, Canada successfully repels and American invasion with the help of native tribes. Many years later Sioux warriors, descends of those who fought, retained medals given for service the British Crown.



 The beginning of agricultural settlement in Manitoba with the arrival of Selkirk Settlers. This would lead to the establishment of Winnipeg as the commercial centre of the region.


Peter Fidler noted the abundance of sturgeon at the intersection of the Souris and Assiniboine Rivers.  In the same year the forts at this intersection were attacked by the Sioux.

The Wawanesa Area


The Assiniboine are 28,000 strong across Manitoba with more than 10,000 in the Turtle Mountains alone.  Many villages along the Souris River were periodically attacked by the Sioux.

A Northwest Company trader, Alexander Henry Jr., makes his first trip down the Souris River from the Northwest Company Fort La Souris at the junction of the Souris and Assiniboine Rivers. He traveled down the river to about the present day town of Souris.  From here he traveled across country to Fort La Bosse on the Assiniboine River where he engaged in the buffalo hunt.


After about 1806 it appears that the Northwest Company lost interest in the Souris but their place on that river was soon taken by American traders and Independents.

Alexander Henry Jr. travels across the Souris plains. 


Expeditions by Capt. Palliser and Henry Youle Hind explore the Northwest Territories to examine the suitability of the region for agricultural settlement.