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Timeline... 1890 - 1899

The World

World’s Columbia Exposition (World Fair) opens in Chicago in 1893 – to commemorate the 400th Anniversary of Columbus’s arrival in the new world (1492). Featured prominently are exhibits highlighting the possibilities of electricity.


1891: The end of the John A. McDonald era.

1896: Gold discovered in the Klondike.


Manitoba School’s Question divides the nation as governments decide on the future of French Language instruction in schools.
The Manitoba Government authorizes the formation of local Farmer’s Institutes and provides some grants. The goal is to improve farming practices.

The Farmer’s Institute Act - 1890 – offers support to local farm groups.

The R.M. of Pipestone

A decade of building. Many schools, churches, businesses are established as settlers get established. The first substantial brick houses are built.


The first “Reston” Post office is located on William Bulloch’s land. Their home also housed the first library. The name of Reston was suggested by the Milliken family. It was the name of the little town in Berwickshire, Scotland near which the Millikens had lived before coming to Canada.
Lambton School #763 opens.


Hillview School opens in the spring in a granary on NW 12-8-28. A school is built later that year. (Closed 1963)


The CPR reaches the new village of Pipestone on Dec. 2.  Mr. Richardson immediately opens a store in a tent, which is later moved to Main Street.

The railroad reaches Reston. The first railroad station was a freight car set down at a point nearly opposite Main Street. The first agent was Cleland Jones who came in to town on one of the work trains. The first passenger train came in to Reston on Dec. 2, 1892.The first merchant was James Campbell whose descendants still live around Sinclair. He put a building on the east side of Main Street during the fall

William Busby builds a lumberyard (Pioneer Lumber) . The first freight delivered when the railroad line was opened was a car of lumber.
The first facility for handling grain in Reston is a warehouse built in the fall of 1892 by Deyell and Mann of Souris.
Hillside  School District #377 established on NW 21-9-26.

Wheat from Laggan Farm (William McDonald) takes top honours at an International Miller’s Convention in Glasgow, Scotland. 

The first settler in Sinclair: John Milton


Brandon Sun, May 5, 1892


Reston Post Office is moved in to the new village

The Reston Lake of the Woods Elevator is built – it operated until it burned in 1950.

Pipestone Union Church  is built on 2nd Ave & 6th St. in the Pipestone. Initially a Presbyterian Congregation, it was  also used by Methodists.

Pipestone School classes are held in Rattray's Hall, with Mr. J. G. Rattray the first teacher. Classes were later held in the Church until the school was built.

Huston School #770 opens on SW 2-6-27.

Bardal Post Office is established April 12 on SE 22-8-29 (Closed 1918). Postmaster George R. Lusk operated it out of a small frame building. Other reports indicate it was once located on SE  27-8-29


Bardal Post Office building, 2011.



The Coal Dock was an essential part of the railway infrastructure.


Elm Valley school opens on  SW 2-9-28. (Later moved to Woodnorth for use as a Sunday School.)

W.R. Guthrie is Chairman of first meeting of Lanark School.

Reston Methodist Church built.


Methodist Church & Parsonage shown here in 1905.


Reston Cemetery established by the R.M. of Pipestone.


Belleview School built on SE 36-8-26. Often used as a Church & Sunday School.

Crescent School established on NE 14-6-29. (Moved to NE 30-7-25 in 1920. Rennovated inside 1960’s. Closed 1970. Moved to Pipestone Fair Grounds site after 1980)

Humberstone School opened north of Pipestone.

John Milton appointed Sinclair Postmaster, also adds a stock of groceries. 

Council receives an order from the medical health officer to pay A. V. Parker $115.00 for compensation for clothes destroyed because of diphtheria.


Robert Ayers is the first dentist in the Reston district.

Prarie Rose School #967 opens in May. The first school year ran six months.