Our Heritage  / Special Places  / Maps

Rivers Daly Heritage Inventory / Maps

1. The Region

2. Downtown

3. Residences

4. Outskirts

5. Public Sites

Map 1 : The Region

1. Bell Crossing  ( 444.M.1)
2.Pendennis Cairn  ( 444.F.4)
3. Carnegie Cairn 673.F.1)
4. Bromley Windmill  ( 673.G.3)
5. Roseville Cemetery  ( 444.F.2)
6. Chapman Museum  ( 444.E.1)
7. Harrow School  ( 673.E.1)
8. McGregor House  ( 673.C.38)
9. Farm Elevator  ( 673.G.4)
10. Hydro Dam (673.M.2)
11 . Kirkham House  ( 444.G.2)
12. Kirkham’s Bridge  ( 673.M.1)
13. Chapman Elevator  ( 773.G.2)
14. Lally House  ( 444.G.1)
15. Reeves Barn  ( 59.G.1)
16. Tarbolton Cemetery  ( 592.F.2)
17. Elevator Agent's House (Bradwardine) ( 59.C.1)
18. House (Bradwardine) ( 59.C.2)
19. House (Bradwardine) ( 59.C.3)
20. Bradwardine Elevator ( 59.D.1)
21. Bank of Hamilton Vault  ( 59.D.2)
22. Bradwardiine Village  ( 59.M.1)
23. Church  ( 59.B.1)
24. St. Matthew’s Cemetery  ( 59.F.1)
25. Air Force Base Site  ( 601.M.1)
26. Base Housing Site  ( 601.M.

    Links to the Inventory of Sites

Page 1: Bradwardine Houses and Commercial Sites

Page 2: Bradwardine Public Sites, Churches & Cairns

Page 3: Rivers and Area Churches, Cemeteries & Public Places

Page 4: Rivers and Area Government Buildings and Regional Sites

Page 12: Carnegie District

Map 2 : Downtown

1. C.N.R. Station. ( 444.H.1)
2. Bank Building  ( 444.D.2)
3. C.I.B.C. Building  ( 444.D.1)
4. Former Drug Store ( 444.D.3)
5. Small Shop. ( 444.D.4)
6. Lee’s Restaurant  ( 444.D.5)
7. Butterfly Consultations  ( 444.D.6)
8. Mb. Ed. Building  ( 444.D.7)
9. Home Hardware  ( 444.D.8)
10. Former Ukranian Hall (444.J.1)
11. Carfill Elevator (444.D.9)
12. North American Lumber Building (444.D.10)
13. Former Hillcrest Drug Store Building (444.D.11)
14. WCG Building  (444.D.13)
15. Former Hall (444..J.3)
16. Former Telephone Building (444.D.12)

Map 3 : Residences

1. House First St. ( 444.C.1)
2. House First St.  ( 444.C.2)
3. House First St.  ( 444.C.3)
4. House First St. ( 444.C.33)
5. House Second St. ( 444.C.5)
6. House Second St. ( 444.C.6)
7. Brown House  ( 444.C.7)
8.. House  Main St. ( 444.C.8)
9. McKracken House  ( 444.C.9)
10. House Main St. ( 444.C.10)
11. Turner House  ( 444.C.11)
12. Redfern House  ( 444.C.12)
13. Foster House  ( 444.C.13)
14. House  ( 444.C.14)
15. House  ( 444.C.15)
16. House  ( 444.C.16)
17. Stoneman House  ( 444.C.17)
18. House  ( 444.C.18)
19. MacDonald House  ( 444.C.19)     20. House  ( 444.C.20)
21.Dawson House  ( 444.C.21)
22. House  ( 444.C.22)
23. House  ( 444.C.23)
24. House  ( 444.C.24)
25. House  ( 444.C.25)
26. Weibe House  ( 444.C.26)
27. Lacoski House  ( 444.C.27)
28. House  ( 444.C.28)
29. House  ( 444.C.29)
30. House  ( 444.C.30)
31. House  ( 444.C.31)
32. House  ( 444.C.32)
33. House  ( 444.C.33)
34. House  ( 444.C.34)
35. Klassen House  ( 444.C.35)
36. House  ( 444.C.36)
37. Klassen House  ( 444.C.37)

Links to the Inventory of Sites

Page 8: Rivers Residences Part 1

Page 9: Rivers Residences Part 2

Page 10: Rivers Residences Part 3

Page 11: Rivers Residences Part 4

Map 4 : Outskirts

1. Rivers Cemetery (444.F.3)
2. Foreman Birthing House (444.C.38)
3. Rumble Bridge Site (444.M.4)
4. Trestle Bridge (444.M.2.)
5. Millenium Park (444.K.2.)
6. Roundhouse Foundations (444.M.8)
7. Railway Dam (444.M.7)
8. Abandonned C.P.R. Crossing (444.M.8)
9. Fairgrounds (444.K.5)
Links to the Inventory of Sites

Page 3 . Rivers and Area Churches, Cemeteries & Public Places
Page 4 . Rivers and Area Government Buildings and Regional Sites

Map 5 : Public Sites

1. C.N.R. Station  ( 444.H.1)
2. Water Treatment Plant ( 444.A.4)
3. Lawn Bowling Building  ( 444.J.2)
4. United Church ( 444.B.1)
5. St. James Anglican ( 444.B.2)
6. Riverdale Hospital  ( 444.A.5)
    7. Post Office  ( 444.A.1)
8. War Memorial  ( 444.F.1)
9. Daly Municipal office  ( 444.A.3)
10. Town of Rivers Office  ( 444.A.2)
11. Skatepark ( 444.K.3)

Links to the Inventory of Sites

Page 3 . Rivers and Area Churches, Cemeteries & Public Places
Page 4 . Rivers and Area Government Buildings and Regional Sites
Page 5 . Rivers Commercial Sites - Part 1
Page 6: Rivers Commercial Sites - Part 2
Page 7: Rivers Area - Engineering Structures