Pioneer Businesses in Rivers


Rivers Insurance Maps
Archives of Manitoba
The Rivers Story

1. North American Lumber

This view of Rivers in 1908 shows the North American Lumber Co., near the left, on Second Street.

The original building is gone but the business continues on the same site.

The North American Lumber Co. was established in 1906, before the town of Rivers was named, but after it was common knowledge that the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway would be passing through. As such the operation, which would expand into a national building supply company, was ready and willing to supply materials for the town that grew almost overnight as the rails approached.

2. McKenzie General Store

McKenzie established his General Store in 1907, the first General Merchant in the new town of Rivers.


Under construction


Carpenter’s shack –used during construction


Open for business.


Another view

Pioneer buildings were erected quickly and put into operation before the finishing touches were in place. In this photo the McKenzie Store has been given a new coating of brick.

4. Cecil House


The Cecil House was on the corner of Second and Main, facing the Bank of Commerce.

5. Thompson Block

6. Wareham Bros.


7. Korman Block

8. Alexandra Hotel

9. Bank of Commerce


10. Livery Stable


Livery in 1908


11. Bijou Theatre

Rivers  in 1909

Rivers Business District