Timeline... 1960 - 1969

The World



Rivers and the R.M. of Daly


Joint Air Photo Interpretation School closed in 1960 and its personnel merged with the Air Photo Interpretation Centre at RCAF Station Rockcliffe (Ontario) who became fully responsible for training photo-interpreters.

The railway icehouses was demolished. The final steam locomotived passed thorugh the yeards.

- beginning of two-way radio radio communication between train crews


As a practical example of service integration, the Canadian Joint Air Training Centre at Rivers,
Manitoba, is living proof that the colour of the uniform a man wears is really immaterial when it
comes to getting the job done. Permanent strength of 800 servicemen at CJATC is about one-half
RCAF and one-half Army. Except for two months each summer when naval jet squadrons come to
Rivers for tactical exercises, RCN strength is only a token force — but "blue jobs" and "brown jobs"

- CN Coal Dock demolished, rails that once served the car department and other services were lifted.

- roundhouse sold to Rivers Structural Fabricators

- with the closing of the Saskatoon Flying School – personnel were transferred to Rivers.


In December 1963, No.1 Transport Helicopter Platoon (No.1 THP), a unit of the Royal Canadian Army Services Corps, was established at Rivers, along with their fleet of CH-113A Voyageur transport helicopters and on CH-112 Nomad. The platoon’s function was to support the Army on field exercises


408 Tactical Fighter Squadron, whose primary functions were reconnaissance and weapons delivery, moved to Rivers in 1964 from RCAF Station Rockcliffe (Ontario) and remained until disbanded on April 1st 1970.


No.1 THP moved to RCAF St.Hubert in 1966 and also established a detachment at RCAF Station Namao (Alberta).


The Canadian Forces were unified and an era of budget cuts begins. Rivers was declared surplus to defence needs, as were several other bases across the country