Timeline... 1930 - 1939

The World

The depression set off by the stock market collapse in late 1929 is felt across North America and Europe.
Sept.1, 1939 Germany invades Poland, setting off World War 2


The effect of the world-wide economic depression is compounded in Western Canada by an extended drought.
In 1936 the Federal Government cancelled debt for feed and wrote off many advances to to the drought areas.


The effects of the drought on the prairies are felt most acutely in the southwest corner of the province.
The Farmer’s Creditors Arrangement Act – aims to reduce farm debt loads.

Rivers and the R.M. of Daly


Rivers Airfield opened Feb. 17, 1930 - operation of  mail planes began one week later


March 31, 1932 – Canada’s airmail service ends.
Deliveries had been made at Rivers Airfield.


Dominion airway engineers selected a nearby site of 40 acres in connection with a prospective cross Canada air service.. Contract let for grading surfacing and fencing of Rivers Intermediate Aerodrome.


Train carrying King George VI and Queen Elizabeth stops very briefly in Rivers on its way east. The King appeared in his dressing gown to wave a short greeting as the train as the train started moving.