Timeline... 1890 - 1899

The World

World’s Columbia Exposition (World Fair) opens in Chicago in 1893 – to commemorate the 400th Anniversary of Columbus’s arrival in the new world (1492). Featured prominently are exhibits highlighting the possibilities of electricity.


1891: The end of the John A. McDonald era.

1896: Gold discovered in the Klondike.


Manitoba School’s Question divides the nation as governments decide on the future of French Language instruction in schools.
The Manitoba Government authorizes the formation of local Farmer’s Institutes and provides some grants. The goal is to improve farming practices.

The Farmer’s Institute Act - 1890 – offers support to local farm groups.

Rivers and the R.M. of Daly


Lothair School built in 1892 on NE 26-12-22
Bridge counstructed over the Assiniboine north of Alexander.


Forrester’s Lodge Hall built at Ancrum


First Kirkham’s Bridge built


Washed out Kirkham’s Bridge rebuilt ¼ mile downstream at current site – last wooden bridge to be built in Mb.


Pendennis  School was built on 7-21-20 in 1898
John Howie of Bradwardine leads a cattle drive to the Yukon gold fields. (See Bradwardine History)