
We Made The R.M. of Pipestone

Community Leaders

Kristjan Jonsson Bardel



Kristjan Jonsson Bardel and his wife Thorey emigrated from the north of Iceland to Ontario, Canada in 1878 with two little boys, Johann (Joe), about two years and Sigurgeir (Ed), one year.

They lived in the Muskoka Lake and Winnipeg for some time before homesteading in Belmont in 1886.

While in the Argyle area, Sigurgeir worked for a man named Sparrow, herding cattle. Here he got the name Ed, which stayed with him all his life. These Icelandic names were often a source of embarrassment and explanation. My Grandfather Kristjan was the son of Jon so he was Jonsson. When at Belmont there was another Kristjan Jonsson. so Grandpa
added Bardel to his name, being the name of the valley he came from in Iceland. In 1969 my husband and I had the great pleasure of coming to the very home where my grandfather was born and raised to 18 years of age.

The three sons, Joe, Dad and Kris got all mixed up as to surnames. Joe was Johnson, Dad was Jonsson and Kris was Kristjansson. Among Icelanders they were called the Bardel brothers, the name they should have kept.

From Belmont the promise of homesteads called again. These were still available in the Sinclair area so here the family moved. Grandfather, Joe and Dad each obtaining a homestead. Grandfather's was just south of the G. S. Munro farm. Joe's was
next to it and Dad's was one mile west of Joe's. This was in the early 1900’s.

Grandfather with two others was instrumental in getting the Bardal School built and his name was chosen for the new school. He served the whole area as Commissioner or Justice of the Peace for several years. He was a tall and handsome man, very interested in the welfare of his community. He was also a good farmer, especially fond of livestock. From starting out in a sod house, he built u nice two-story frame house and a good barn. Buildings were painted and well kept and he also planted trees for a windbreak. After a short illness he died at home in August 1911, a comparatively young man.

Adapted from Trails Along the Pipestone, page 664
Submitted by a Granddaughter of Kristjan Jonsson

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