A. P. Power was born in Bangor. Wales. The family later
moved to Liverpool, where he completed his education and began his
employment in the shipping industry which took him to the far East,
India and Singapore. Because of failing health he returned to England
and with his brother John came to Canada in 1882. They came west as far
as steel (about Oak Lake) and set oft across country with oxen.
The time and place of his marriage to Ada Mary Stacey is at the moment
unknown, but their first and only child was born in the sod shanty on
the homestead on August 24. Later they constructed a large two-storey
home faced with cement blocks poured and cured on the farm.
A.P. became Secretary-Treasurer of the Rural Municipality of Pipestone
when it was organized in 1884. When the position, which included
management of the Municipal Telephone System required more time, he
built a house in Reston. Shortly after moving his work to the newly
completed Municipal building, he became ill and passed away March 26,
Adapted from Trails Along the Pipestone, page 596

Brandon Sun, July 17, 1884