3. Profiles

P.J. Osborne

Osborne was Boissevain's photographer for many years. By 1904 his studio was located over what was later Pringle's store.

School buildings, like Town Halls, were displayed with pride.

Although not a captivating scene, this was no doubt a photo with a purpose. Highlighting the region’s agricultural potential was serious work.

Some photographers added pertinent historical data to the image.

In 1981 Earle Currie, in a written submission for Beckoning Hills Revisited, recalled the day the famous American politician and orator stopped in Boissevain.
“One time, Mr. William Jennings Bryan, a noted politician in U.S.A. was trying for the presidency. He came to Canada on the Great Northern Railway. He was to speak at the station from the back of the platform of the train at 9:30 a.m. The high school pupils wanted to hear him speak, so we ditched our books under the front steps of the school and without permission went to the station. The teacher then had to let the rest of the pupils go to hear him speak.”
I found it very interesting that a high school student would cut class to attend a speech, and that he would be impressed enough to recall it so many years later.

Photographers seem to have their individual “signatures” even when the print is not explicitly identified. Osborne liked to pick a suitable spot in the scene to identify the subject. Note the message along the eaves of the station, and his name along the bottom of the rail car below.

P.J. Osborne (Photographer) . Walkey Bros moving six ton municipal safe, Boissevain. [Boissevain]: Photo by P.J. Osborne, Boissevain, Man, [not before 1920].

Many of Osborn’s photos are noticeable for their clarity.

Were the two previous photos taken on the same occasion?  A close look reveals the scenes are side-by-side.

A post card of 1911 (P. 1. Osborne photo) shows the Intermediate Hockey team, "The Champions of All Manitoba" and committee.

This photo of Killarney Lake bears Osborne’s inscription.