Crerar was born in the County of Perth near Stratford, Ontario on
September 22, 1848. He was educated in grammar school, Stratford, Upper
Canada College and Toronto University. From the latter he graduated in
1872, taking natural science as his honor course with silver medalist
Following his graduation, Mr. Crerar studied law in the office of
Edington and Miskle, Stratford, for four years and was called to the
bar in 1876. He came west in 1879 settling in Minnedosa, where he
opened an office in May 1880. He was elected to the Manitoba
Legislature at a byelection in October 1881. He did not run for
reelection in 1883 but ran unsuccessfully in the 1886 and 1899 general
elections. He practiced for a time in Birtle before opening an office
in Melita.
In September of 1902 Charles Armstrong accepted a position with Mr.
Crerar. They formed a partnership January 8th. 1903,
which dissolved in December of 1903. In January 1904, F. Campbell
practiced law with Mr. Crerar in the Odd Fellows Hall, while a new law
office was being built. They moved into the new law office, which was
(and is still) situated at the comer of Main Street and Souris Street,
in July of 1904. In December of 1904, R. Cole Jr. began his study of
law with
the Crerar, Campbell partnership. The partnership dissolved in 1907,
and Mr. Crerar continued the practice on his own. In July of 1926, F.
G. Barrett came into partnership with Mr. Crerar. This partnership
dissolved in January of 1928, when Mr. Crerar retired, selling his
interest in the partnership to Frank Barrett.
Adapted from Our First Century, page 393

Brandon Sun - Oct. 22, 1891