Special Places

Melita Site Inventory

Page 8 : Residences - Part 4

336.C.37 Mackie House

Construction Date:  ca. 1908
Location:  84 Maple Street

A. Mackie 1908
Mrs. A. Simpson 1912
John Russell 1917
Mrs. Modeland 1920
C. Cornish 1941
S.D. of Melita 1942
Roy & Ella Robinson
Pedersons 1972

- nice porch
- hardwood / archway etc.

336.C.38 A.B. Estlin House

Construction Date:  ca. 1900
Location:  Maple & Summit Street

A.B. Estlin 1900 – Wawnesa Insurance Agent 1919-1936
F.C. Wilson 1941 (Dr. Wilson)
Peter Liliak 1961
Delmer Neff 1975

336.C.39 Gillander House

Construction Date:  ca. 1900
Location:  113 Maple Street

R.T. Braeden 1900
Mrs. Greaves 1908
Mrs. K. Gillander 1928
Katie Snyder 1970
Teri-Lynn and Jim Forster 1970


- rounded dormer window
- leaded glass
- nice complex roofline

336.C.40 Jim Duncan House

Construction Date: ca. 1908
Location:  153 Souris Street

Nellie Duncan 1908 (see photo – identified as home of  Mr.Jas.Duncan” in an old postcard.
Jim Duncan 1940
Mrs. Mary Belfry 1950
Muriel (Belfry) Maclean 1960
John Warkentin 1974

- pillars on front porch - brackets
- nice windows – coloured and leaded glass
 - original woodwork
 - shingled gables

336.C.41 McJannet House

Construction Date: ca. 1908
Location:  156 Souris Street

A.A. Armstrong 1908
Mrs. T. McJannet 1910
Florence McJannet
David Champion
Susan Cairns

336.C.42 Dearlove House

Construction Date:  1891
Location:  141 Maple Street

Thos. Dearlove 1900
E.A, Belfry 1908
G. Yeo 1927
T. Gould 1954
D. Williams 1963


- 1891 several houses were “delivered” to Melita via the new railway.
There is mention of this in an 1891 report in the Melita Enterprise indicating that “Most of the houses brought into Melita this year have found ready sale.”  

336.C.43 John Large House

Construction Date:  1891
Location:  143 Maple Street

John Large 1900
Percy Timms 1908
Mary Graham 1920
J. Swelha 1961
E. Pederson 1962
M. Armstrong 1975

-  owner has deeds
 - owner indicated that in 1891 several houses were “delivered” to Melita via the new railway.
There is mention of this in an 1891 report in the Melita Enterprise indicating that “Most of the houses brought into Melita this year have found ready sale.”  

336.C.44 Minshull House

Construction Date:  ca. 1920
Location:  145 Maple Street

Colin Minshull 1955
Harrison Minshull 1963

 336.C.45 Thomas Jackson House

Construction Date: ca. 1900
Location:  152 Maple Street

1894 – Thomas Jackson
1908 W.W. Mobey
1926 Jane Taylor
Pat & Jean Sterling
Jim & Jean Eng – owned the Sun Café lived here

- veranda

336.C.46 Meredith House

Construction Date:  ca. 1900
Location:  148 Maple Street


W. Jackson 1894
W.H. Meredith 1909
J. Greig 1924
H. Greenhalgh 1944
J. Greig 1957
Nettie Greig

336.C.47 Reekie House

Construction Date:  ca. 1892
Location:  138 Maple Street

A.M. Reekie 1892
T.A. Hamilton 1930
Mrs. Evelyn Phair


- old wood sideomng
- some coloured glass
- small enclosed verandah

336.C.48 J. Duncan House

Construction Date:  ca. 1900
Location:  134 Souris Strret

J. Duncan 1893 (Pioneer Blacksmith, Farm Implement Dealer, Justice of the Peace)
David Polluck 1909
Thos. Hamilton 1912
Chas. Quane 1940
Mr. Cruise
Will J. Wright 1978
J. Hood
I Skelton
Cory Fairweather


- nice windows and trim
 - painted brick trim
- scrolled verandah trim
- metal-roofed bay
- stained glass