Melita Site
Page 2 :
Commercial Sites
336.D.1 Northern Bank Building
Date: 1906
Location: 139 Main Street
Northern Bank,
1908 Northern Crown Bank (amalgamated with Crown)
Royal Bank 1919
H.H. Richards – Manager 1906 –first car in town
1968 – R.M. of Arthur – office
- stone trimmed façade with pillars and large arch
- buffalo head medallions
- stone panel with “Northern Bank” sign
- stone-framed entrance
- elaborate cornice on each level
- one of only two built in this style (Melita & Qu'Appelle)


336.D.2 Lefty's Grill Building
Construction Date: 1892
Location: Main Street
Hughes – Tailor 1892 – 1897
A.M. Wright – jeweler / G. L. Dodds owner.
G.W. Archibald also an owner
Robert Love 1910 – 1924 Harness maker, “Melita Shoe Hospital”
1926 James Reid – tinsmith – 1941 did the ceiling of the St. Boniface
Cathedral, Lorne’s Barbrshop etc.
Lefty’s Grill Mr. & Mrs. O.N. Wyatt 1947 – 1967
Shaw’s Carpet & Furniture – R.F. Shaw – 1964 – 1967
Darwin’s Electric 1967 - 1976
Much altered but retains the roofline.

336.D.3 Morrow Pharmacy Building
Date: ca. 1891
Location: 123 Main Street
H.L. Elliott – general merchant
1900 A. Pope rented as a Drug Store
1901 Purchased by J.W. (Wes) Hewitt
1930 – Purchased Harry L. Morrow
1959 – Gerry Morrow
- Served as a pharmacy for about 90 years

336.D.4 Barker's Men's Wear Building
Construction Date: ca. 1915
Location: 123 Main Street
Mr. G.B. Barker
Jack & Ted barker – 1945
- Barker’s Men’s Wear for about 90 years – over 70 in same building
- “Barkers” embossed in tiles of old entrance way

336.D.5 Melita-Arthur Telephone
Company Building
Date: ca. 1905
Location: 116 Souris Street
Melita-Arthur Telephone Company
1908 – Manitoba Government Telephones
1921 Manitoba Telephone System
Original Building Function:
Telephone Exchange Office until 1951 when dial phones and extended
territory necessitated a new building (next door).
Features: - extended and roof rennovated

336.D.6 Crerar Law Office
Construction Date: 1904
Location: 129 Souris Steet
John Crerar
Frank Barrett 1928
D.W. Yuill 1938
-Yuill & Yuill (His Daughter Winnifred)
1974 Morris Smeltz
1981 R. Holmes
Original Building Function:
Law Office
Features: - as of 2011, 107 years as a Law Office with one short
interruption – 1934-39.

336.D.7 Melita Quick Freeze Building
Date: 1949
Location: 99 Main Street
Origins: Original Owner Name:
Mr. A.A. Rourke and Ramsay
1954 Norman Walker
1973 Burt Hicks
1980 – Bumper to Bumper
Original Building Function:
Locker Plant – Meat Market
Became a Royal Bank

336.D.8 Strand Theatre Building
Date: 1940
Location: 89 Main Street
Mr. Hairsine (From Birtle) – Stardust Theatre
Chuch Doerr 1954 - Strand
Mr. & Mrs. Kowbell - 1955
Bill & Pat Gerlock – 1977
1979 – Bill, Marilyn & Bob Holden
1984 – Addition to north side
1997 - 2011 Bill & Marilyn Holden
Original Building Function: Theatre
- originally “Stardust Theatre”
- seating for 400
- living quarters in back
- classic sign
- still operating as a multi-use facility

336.D.9 Former Sturgeon Block
Date: 1891 - extended 1902
Location: 148 Main Street
Mr. Srurgeon & partner P. Powell
1900 W.G. Blyth
1901 Hamelin Brothers
Original Building Function:
Hardware & General Store
- Upstairs – Sturgeon Hall
1960 – Robinson Store
1959 – Housed Regional Library and Rest Room
Features: - photo p316 Info P348
- known as the “Corner Store” for many years

336.D.1 Melita Bakery
Date: 1900
Location: Main Street
Lot purchased by Mr. Sturgeon in 1892
Herbert Maycock 1900 (Building) – 1904
Tenants Jeweller A.E. Kemp and Barrister John Crera.
Geeorge Sales & Evans – bakers tenants 1903-06
Ice cream parlour added in 1904
1907 Chene & Evans – groceries
1911 – Jobbins groceries
G. Jobbins purchased building in 1933 from Cheynes –until 1939
Fred White est. bakery in 1944
1946 Wilfred Menzies
1948 George Kelley
1957 Henry Stocklein – enlarged building
Gerald Bolton
Features: - bakery since 1944
