Pivotal Events
Timeline... 1940 - 1949

The World

December, 1941 the United States enters the war after the  Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour

1945 – WW2 ends..


Aug. 19: Nearly 1000 Canadians die and 2000 are taken prisoner in the failed raid on Dieppe.


Rationing and consumer goods shortages become a way of life.
Manitoba Power Commission decides to extend  service to more rural areas.

Melita & Area

The war dominates the news as Melita men rush to enlist and the  Red Cross Society and other war-related charities and association becomes active.   Good crops help donations to the war effort.


Consumer’s Co-operative established at Dalny

WW2 ends


148 acres west of Melita declared an Upland Game preserve. It was later (1974) designated as the Gerald W. Malaher Wildlife Management Area.