1880 - 1889

1882: Thomas Edison builds the first power plant in New York.
1885: Karl Benz patents his first automobile.
1889: The Eiffel Tower opens in Paris.
In 1885, after long-standing grievances remain unaddressed, Louise Riel
and Gabriel Dumont lead an uprising of Metis in the Saskatchewan River
Valley communities in the Prince Albert - Battleford regions.
Subsequent actions by native groups lead by Big Bear and Poundmaker
create concern in Manitoba communities but relations between settlers
and native people remain peaceful.
1881: March 2 - Manitoba Boundaries Act passed in Parliament, providing
for an extension of the province’s borders.
The town of Brandon is created in May of 1881 when the site is selected
over Grand Valley as a crossing and divisional point on the C.P.R.
Within a month it is a busy centre.
The Assiniboine Rivers floods, putting much of the Assiniboine Valley
under water, much as it was in 2011.
An act of the legislature set up 4 municipalities within the
County of Souris River, including Arthur.
Arthur included Ranges 27,28 & 29; townships 1,2, and 3.
Powers given allowed municipalities to bonus industries and railways by
cash donation and by tax exemptions for a number of years.
1884 : In 1884 the Province was divided and organized into separate
Homestead Regulations eased to attract more settlers. Three options
1. Three year’s cultivation and residence – with the
settler not absent for more than six months in any one year.
2. Taking up residence for two years and nine months within two miles
of the homestead and then afterwards residing in a habitabgle house on
homestead for three months at any time prior to applying for the
patent. With 10 acres to be broken ion the first year, 15 in the
second, and 15 in the third.
3. A five year system that allowed the settler to live anywhere for the
first two years as long as he began to cultivate the land within six
months and build a habitable house.
1885: The end of steamboat service on the upper Assiniboine.

& Area
- Land Office opens on the Commission Trail with George F. Newcombe as
agent, and a Mr. W.H. Wood as assistant. The site, southeast of
Deloraine became known as Newcombe’s Hollow.
- Turtle Mountain Land District is the first administrative unit for
the southwestern Manitoba. It was administered from the Turtle Mountain
Land Office on 19-2-22.
- Alfred Gould arrives at Sourisford in May of 1880. He later built a
- The western part of Manitoba becomes part of Manitoba in May of 1881.
Rural Municipality #30, Souris River, took in the first six rows of
townships in ranges 23 to 2. A second act established a county system
and the region became the County of Souris River.
- Homesteaders include Edward Sterling, John Dobbyn with son Richard
- The town of Brandon is created in May of 1881 when the site is
selected over Grand Valley as a crossing and divisional point on the
C.P.R. Within a month it is a busy centre.
- A large display ad in the Winnipeg Daily Sun offers lots for sale in
Manchester, the “Great Manufacturing Town of the North-West”
- Hugh Sutherland elected Liberal Member of Parliament
- the first frame house is built by Alex Trerice on 12-4-27
- Rev. A.D. Wheeler conducts the first Church Service in the
region in Alf Gould’s house on the first Sunday in August, 1882.
- Homesteaders include John Williams
- A Post Office established at Sourisford in 1882 remained operational
until the railway arrived at Coulter in 1903.
- The first Sourisford Pioneer Picnic is held.
- Dobbyn City, a bit east of the current town at (32-3-26), is
promoted by owner John Dobbyn, and lots are offered to speculators. It
was one of dozens of speculative townsites in Manitoba during the
Manitoba Boom of 1881-82. Ads offering lots appear in Winnipeg
papers in March of 1882.
- Manchester Town plan registered. Plan #2 – Souris River Registry,
March 28, 1882 NW 36-3-27
- Mr. R. Graham arrives and settled in Manchester.
R. Graham opened a store and Post Office in Manchester as the name
“Manchester” was taken. Melita chosen from suggestions offered.
An act of the legislature set up 4 municipalities within the County of
Souris River, including Arthur.
Arthur included Ranges 27,28 & 29; townships 1,2, and 3.
Powers given allowed municipalities to bonus industries and railways by
cash donation and by tax exemptions for a number of years.
Land Office moved from Deloraine to “Souris” a would be town located on
NW 26-2-27. The Office was later moved to NW 34-2-27 and
then to Melita in 1891
- Alfred Gould appointed Sourisford postmaster.
- First meeting of the Souris River County Council met at Menota.
Brandon Sun Weekly Feb. 29, 1884
- A county registry office is completed on the townsite of “Souris”
- The Municipality is divided into Wards
- Sourisford literary Society formed.
- First Melita School Board established
- A large buffalo is spotted near Menota and chased by would be hunters.
- Rev. A.W. Wheeler is the first teacher in the newly-established
Melita School in 1887. The school was west of town as the new townsite
hadn’t been built.
- A.M. Campbell, a photographer, elected Member of Legislature.
- Livingston Ferry established on Dr. Livingston’s farm just east of
- Pioneer Association formed at Souirsford with Alfred Gould as
- Mr. Ducker of the CPR visits Melita to examine site for a new town.
- A.E. Thompson moves to Melita. He operated a Butcher shop and dealt
in cattle and horses. Elected to Mb. Legislature in 1899 and