
3. The Boundary Commission Trail
- excerpts from "Preface" written by A. B. Estlin in his annals.

"The Commission Trail crossed the Souris River a short distance north of the grove (Sourisford Park). This trail was one of the principal highways of the early days, and was either used, or made, by the wagons and carts of the Boundary Commission, which surveyed the International Boundary line about 1872. This International Joint Commission was appointed by the Canadian and United States Governments, and the survey was started on the eastern boundary of the province, and the surveyors travelled west about ten miles north of the line (49th parallel) on the Canadian side.

It was necessary to travel on the Canadian side on account of the hostile tribes of Indians, which would have necessitated a large military escort to guard the parties, had they travelled on the American side ..." (see Early Settlements and Townsites along the Souris River — by H. H. Saunderson)