
19. Pioneer Writing /Dr. A. M. Livingston May 10,1899

Spring has come with all its hopes and anticipa¬tions , and the disappointments of last year have faded from the mind of the farmer, too busy preparing the soil and sowing the seed to waste precious time in useless repining. Hope still springs eternal in the human breast, and indeed there seems to be good grounds for hope this year as the soil and weather are exceptionally favourable. Everything seems to give promise of a bountiful harvest. Jack Frost was very loth to surrender his control over our northwestern plains this year and it was only when the warm waves of the old sun with ever increasing strength and repeated efforts made it no longer possible for him to hold out, that he at length loosened his grasp and retreated to his stronghold in the far northland. In an almost incredibly short time, the crocus, first of all our numerous wild flowers to wake from their long winter's sleep, dotted the prairie far and wide with their beautiful blossoms. The buttercups too, are beginning to peek forth and the surrounding prairie is already tinged with green save where the rich brown mold betokens the waving crop of green of a few weeks hence. Among the first to feel the softening influence of the returning sun, is the farm of Dr. A. M. Livingston situated on the southern slope.

Dr. Livingston's farm is situated on the southern slope of the valley of the Souris and consequently responds more readily to this influence. Dr. Livingston states that he usually begins sowing on the first Monday of April and that in 1895 his was the first sample of ripe wheat in the Winnipeg market.

Like many others, Mr. Livingston came to Man¬itoba from Ontario in 1882 and settled first at Carman where he ran a livery stable. Leaving Carman for greener pastures, he came to Melita in March 1883 and took up a homestead where he now resides about one mile from town. Of course, at that early date there was no town in existance here. At the end of three months, he returned to Carman for the purpose of bringing out his family. The journey from Carman was made with an ox team and occupied about nine days. On arrival here the family moved into a house which Mr. Livingston had erected during the pre¬vious three months but which was not completed, being merely roofed with tar paper. A short time afterwards, this work was removed by a violent storm of wind and rain, and the members of the farm were obliged to spend the night under the limited shelter afforded by an umbrella and a table.

However, mat¬ters were soon changed and now Mr. Livingston has a very comfortable residence, which he put up at a cost of $1,300 and stables which cost $1,000. During the first year, Mr. Livingston broke 15 acres which he has since increased and now has 250 acres under cultiva¬tion. In addition to this he has a large and excellent pasture field through which the river runs. Mr. Livingston, in addition to the chief occupation of wheat growing, has raised about 40 head of horses and a considerable number of cattle and declares it as his firm opinion that farmers in this country go too much into wheat farming and too little into stock raising. Mr. Livingston has met with marked suc¬cess, never having experienced hail or frost and no particularly dry seasons, until last year. The average yield of wheat has been 20 bushels to the acre but he has grown as high as 35 bushels to the acre.

Dr. Livingston is Dominion Veterinarian for this district and last year issued the necessary certificates for 4.000 head of cattle exported to the United States and has already issued certificates this year for up¬wards of 2,000 head. Dr. Livingston has not ne¬glected the llth commandment for the farmers of Manitoba and states that he has set out on his farm about 1,000 trees. Most of these trees are now in a flourishing condition and add greatly to the ap¬pearance of his property which is particularly favoured by nature in this respect.