Heritage Resources  /  Documents / Archaeology

Phase 1 - Short-term Initial Strategy
Develop the Core Committee


•  one or more interested and committed local individuals from various groups
•  municipal and town representation
•  one or more members of Canupawakpa Dakota Nation (CDN)


•  start Phase 1
•  establish a broad committee/network
•  initiate the economic feasibility plan
•  initiate planning for the long term development
•  initiate an immediate public awareness campaign of the local archaeological history and heritage

Conduct a feasibility study

•  Contact government agencies and groups who are familiar with previous feasibility studies:   David Mclnnis, Museums Consultant with Historic Resources Branch (HRB)
Manitoba Tourism

Parkland Tourism Association

•  Look at tourism data that show the economic advantage of heritage tourism as a boost to the local economy   **Be wary of excessive estimates of tourism numbers!!
http://www. culturaltourism. org/resources/StudiesonEconomidmpacts. htm
http://www. canadatourism. com/ctx/app/en/ca/publication. do ?catld= home, catalog .publications, research
http://www.pc.gc. ca/agen/trm-mrt/2005/itm4-/table4a_e. asp#2 http://www.aboriginaltourism.ca/documents (see Youth Strategy Dec 9 2004.pdf)
http://www.preservationmaryland. org/pdf/PM__ Value_scn.pdf

** These websites last accessed December 2006