Claims: Teacher (Neelin) and Writer
Caroline Cumming, who was born and grew up in the Huntly district, has
written an account of it and of its earliest known inhabitants (Lights
Along the Valley 1970). She was the first teacher in the
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Lights Along the Valley
Finnen, Grace (Scholes)
Biography: M. Herman Finnen
Claims: Teacher.
Probable Significance: Modest
Source: Trails & Crossroads to Killarney p. /
Reflections p. 298, 505
Highlights from Local Histories
Alex (1859-1921) and Ann (1866-1939) (Fowler) Finnen had eight
children. Jessie married Ern Howard of Mather, a farmer. Their four
childen are Eunice, Kenneth, Frances and Earl. Herman was a grain
buyer. He married Grace Scholes, a teacher from Killarney. Herman
Finnen was an agents for NM Paterson and Company) from 1920 – 26.
Grace’s father Thomas Albert ('Honey') Scholes (1863-1945) was a
teacher, an insurance broker, and then the attendance officer for the
Killarney area schools.
Havelock, Charles William

Biography: (1906 – 2000) Married to Zena. (d. 1998)
Claims: Served as the Principal of Killarney School
(1938-1940) While at Killarney, he founded the Havelock Museum of
Natural History.
Probable Significance:
Source: Trails to Killarney p / Reflections
the Local History Sources...
Mr. Havelock was born near Ginli Manitoba, the eldest of twelve
children of Nykola and Anna Havelock. B.Sc from U of M. BA from U
of Windsor. Brandon Teachers College. He taught himself taxidermy and
his collection of specimens is on
display at the J.A.V. David Museum. After leaving Killarney he
continued his career in Education in Ontario.

Scholes, Thomas Albert (Honey)
Biography: 1863-1945) m. Celia Paull (1871-1964)
Claims: Teacher, an insurance broker, and then the attendance
officer for the Killarney area schools. Principal of the new school
Ardent Methodists and temperance workers.
Probable Significance:
Source: Trails to Killarney p / Reflections p.
the Local History Sources...
Albert ('Honey') Scholes (1863-1945) was a teacher, an insurance
broker, and then the attendance officer for the Killarney area schools.
He and his wife Celia Paull (1871-1964) were ardent Methodists and
temperance workers.
Williams. Ella
Claims: Teacher 1883
Probable Significance:
Source: Trails to Killarney p / Reflections
Yule, William
Biography: (1856 – 1899) m. Isabella Stuart McLean
Claims: Was a conductor on the C.P.R., who decided in 1888 to farm on
the prairie. He came to Killarney. Where he met John Sydney O'Brien who
sold him W 4-3-17, with forty acres broken, a story and a half house,
and a half mile of lake frontage for $2,000 cash. For some years after
settling his family on the farm he continued to work as a conductor.
Probable Significance: Modest
Source: Trails & Crossroads to Killarney p. 356 /
Reflections p.