Biography: d. 2006
Claims: Arrived in 1900 at age 10. Fought in both World Wars.
Probable Significance: Modest
Source: Trails & Crossroads to Killarney p. /
Reflections p. 203
Highlights from Local Histories
When it came time for Mrs. Bedford and the rest of the family to come
west, things were not all that good in Manitoba. The three older boys
John, Albert and Ed drew lots for who would go west and who stay in
Ontario. The result was that Eliza arrived in Killarney August 28, 1900
with Mary (13) and Howard (10) along with Albert who had won the draw.
Howard returned in 1919 and married Elinborg Einarson. They took over
the farm and his mother lived with them until her death in 1933.
Then came the "dirty thirties". Dust and wind seemed to be the order of
the day but they always had a garden, and most times wild fruit -
saskatoons and cranberries. Elinborg preserved quantities of fruit and
vegetables, and made and repaired most of the family's clothing.
In August of 1940 Howard again enlisted, this time in the Veterans
Guard of Canada. With the help of the neighbors, Ed took the crop off
and then the family moved to town.
Bell, William & Doris
Probable Significance: Modest
Source: Trails & Crossroads to Killarney p. /
Reflections p. 205
William and Doris Bell Family

Back Row, Left to Right: Lynn Bell, Neil Bell, Garry Struth,
Wilma Struth
Front Row: Doris Bell, Nadine Bell, Jay Struth, Curtis Struth, William
The Bell family came to Canada from Scotland in July 1890. The family
consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bell Sr. (Kit Bell), two sons,
George and his wife Isabella
The family bought 3/4 sections of CPR land south of Ninga N. 112 and
S.W. 114 of section 19-2-18.
Highlights from Local Histories
The first buildings were on the N.E. quarter on the banks of a creek.
George Bell later put his buildings on the N.W. quarter. In the early
1900's John Bell and his family moved to northern Saskatchewan.
George Bell had five sons and three daughters: Christopher, John,
William, Stanley and Gordon,
(Mrs. T.A. Mitchell), Jean (Mrs. Tom
Chester), Georgina (Mrs. H. Brown). Only William still survives.
Christopher Bell was born in Desford, May 2, 1891 attended Maple Grove
School. He and Ruby Dagg eloped with the horse and buggy and were
married in Boissevain Nov. 1917.
it came time for Mrs Bedford and the rest of the family to come
west, things were not all that good in Manitoba. The three older boys
John, Albert and Ed drew lots for who would go west and who stay in
Ontario. The result was that Eliza arrived in Killarney August 28, 1900
with Mary (13) and Howard (10) along with Albert who had won the draw.
Howard returned in 1919 and married Elinborg Einarson. They took over
the farm and his mother lived with them until her death in 1933.
Then came the "dirty thirties". Dust and wind seemed to be the order of
the day but they always had a garden, and most times wild fruit -
saskatoons and cranberries. Elinborg preserved quantities of fruit and
vegetables, and made and repaired most of the family's clothing.
In August of 1940 Howard again enlisted, this time in the Veterans
Guard of Canada. With the help of the neighbors, Ed took the crop off
and then the family moved to town.
Bridges, Winnie (Campbell)

Biography: Turns 101 in 2019.
Claims: Reginald Wesley Bridges attended school at Northcote and
Killarney. He left school at age 13 to work out for wages. In 1928 he
began farming on his own first at NW 29-3-17 and later at SE 32-3-17.
He married Winnie Campbell in 1939 and continued farming in that
district until taking up residence in Killarney. Reg and Winnie raised
a family of four children.
Probable Significance:
Source: Trails & Crossroads to Killarney p. /
Reflections p. 218
Clarke, Violet
Biography: Died at 106 yrs.
Probable Significance: Modest
Source: Trails & Crossroads to Killarney p. /
Reflections p.
Laird. Mrs. David
Claims: W.1. president - organized in 1915
Probable Significance:
Source: Trails to Killarney p / Reflections
Highlights from Local Histories
Tayler, Edward
Biography: D. 1978. M. Constance Rose Hill in 1926. D. 1968
Claims: Youngest of 10 children born to Augustus Tayler and Sarah
Blackwell who had homesteaded on W 22-2-16 in 1881. Alfred and
Constance Rose had four children: Vera Rose, Muriel Grace, Ernest
Edward and Ronald Gordon. Constance Tayler died in Winnipeg
in 1968. Edward's second wife, Mary Catherine (Cathy) cared for him
through many illnesses. Edward died in 1978.
Probable Significance: Modest
Source: Trails & Crossroads to Killarney p. /
Reflections p. 544
Profiled Elsewhere:
David Hysop
J.A.V, David