#4: Healthy Communities invest in cultural activities.

Museums in Southwest Corner

In 2018 The Turtle Mountain - Souris Plains Heritage Association, with the support of the Manitoba Government Heritage Grants Program, undertook a "Partnerships With Museums" Project.

We visited the museums in the municipalities that are involved in our Heritage Association and produced a report highlighting the unique features of each.

Here is a quick overview.

Every museum is a representation of its region. It has things that are typical of a prairie town and things that are unique. Both are essential, together they tell the story of the community. Those essential displays relating to pioneer life, agriculture, business, culture and recreation, may be typical in theme, but they are always unique in detail.

That is what makes each museum special.

The Beckoning Hills Museum - in Boissevain

The Beckoning Hills Museum has the skull of a Grizzly Bear – but not just any bear – one of only two ever found in Manitoba. We are reminded that flora and fauna change in a region and we might think about we humans were often a big factor in those changes.

The Hart-Cam Museum in Hartney

The Hart-Cam Museum - depicted here dressed up as the bank for the movie "The Lookout".

Only in the Hart-Cam will you find a custom made elevator designed to improve access to the second floor of what was essentially a department store.

The Moncur Gallery

At the Monur Gallery, a visitor can not only see artifacts from the pre-contact era, but learn about how those artifacts are recovered.

The Antler River Historical Museum

In Melita the Fred Jensen Trophy room brings Africa to the Prairies, and reminds us that people from our little towns travelled widely and had a wide range of experiences.

The Waskada Museum

In Waskada you will find a rare example of a re-fillable container for eggs – an ideas that needs to be re-visited today as we struggle with excess waste in packaging.

The Elgin Museum

Only in Elgin Museum have I ever encountered a working kerosene powered iron – and the hilarious anecdote that goes with it.

More about Museums...
