Timeline... 1940 - 1949

The World

December, 1941 the United States enters the war after the  Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour

1945 – WW2 ends..


Aug. 19: Nearly 1000 Canadians die and 2000 are taken prisoner in the failed raid on Dieppe.


Rationing and consumer goods shortages become a way of life.
Manitoba Power Commission decides to extend  service to more rural areas.

Hartney and the R.M. of Cameron

The war dominates the news as Hartney men rush to enlist and the  Red Cross Society and other war-related charities and association becomes active.   Good crops help donations to the war effort.


August:  All citizens registered were required to determine each person’s usefulness to the war effort
By the end of 1940,  35 men have enlisted.
Irene Hill took over the the A.E. Hill & Co. Store upon death of her father W.H.B. Hill.


December:  56 more-recruits enlist, many to the Air Force.


As part of the sir training program an auxiliary airfield is constructed south of  Hartney. Hangar and airfield ready by September.
Engineer Willard Turnbull with the merchant marine is injured at Singapore – first Hartney casualty.
Aug. 19 - Five men from Hartney take part in the Dieppe Raid. Cpl. Eldon Hatch killed.


Winnipeg Grain Exchange suspends trading. A Compulsory Wheat Board is set up by the federal government. “Mutual Aid” to Great Britain and allies is a priority.
Credit Union Federation of MB formed.


Summer rationing continues. The shortage of farm help prompts farm women and girls to help with harvest. More efficient combine harvesters begin to appear.


Hartney citizens begin to raise funds to build a Memorial Rink, which was finished in 1948.


Hartney Credit Union in Co-op offices


Hartney 4-H Club – Junior Seed Club and Home Economics Club

Manitoba Hydro erects electrical poles & cable in area – 107 farms served.