The Story of the Chapman Museum Buildings

The Pendennis School / Bilinski House

The Pendennis School District was established 1898 and a one-room schoolhouse operated near the village of Pendennis. The former schoolhouse was used for a time as a residence, occupied successively by the Bilinski and Forman families. It was later moved to the Chapman Museum.

A photo from about 1908 shows students at Pendennis School, identified (left to right) as Olive Bowman, Murti F. Stewart, Belle Robins, Eva Robins, Peg Robins, Beaty Hays, Annie McFadden, Violet Greasley, Bell Stewart, Chester McFadden, Frank Stewart, Kathleen Cousins, Covey
Stewart, and Bill Bowman.

Source: Olive Bowman Lee (via James Frank)

The Story of the Chapman Museum Buildings