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The Jones Windstacker

White's Garage

Union Bank


First CN Train

Balfour Store

Robertson Block

Critch Bakery

Critch Bakery

Nelson Butt - Jeweller

Blacksmith Shop

Rex Cafe - 1926 - 1979. On Carberry Main Street where the 125th Centennial Park is now. Building was demolished some time after 1983.

The Style Shop

Nelson Hotel

CVM on Carberry's Main Street built around 1941, original owners - Calver, Vopni, Menlove
till 1944 when Doyle amusement Co became part owner. They owned it till around 1947.
The Liberity Cafe beside it opened around 1940 - 1945 it then became a used furniture store.

"The Fair", 48 Main Street, Carberry. Owner T R Brough. around 1903-1923. Sold Dry Goods, Home Furnishings, Clothing and Groceries.

East side of Main Street, Carberry. These buildings are present locations for Forbes, Drug store, and Linda's Style Shop. 1900's.

The Walker Building

Wm Walker owned a building at 121 Main Street in 1901 for one year. 1902- 1904 - Wm Walker at 110 Main Street Wm - Auctioneer. 1904 a Robert Walker - merchant was located at 121 Main Street for one year.

McKays Butcher - was located in Stickle Block 1895 - about 1898,