Heritage Resources / People / Index

Eaton, Dr. John Murray

Biography:  Born Aug. 5, 1861, Ontario. Married Emma. Died April 8. 1939.
Claims:  Arrived 1891. Councillor. First Mayor 1905. Formed the Arabian Medicine Co. with Druggist A.E. Munson. Owner of City Drug Store
Probable Significance:  Very High
Source:  Carberry Plains, Century One /  / The Carberry Plains, 75 Years of Progress / People of the Big Plain / 658
Images:  N/A
Content:  Little additional information

Shaw. Dr. Frank

Claims: First Doctor in the area – 1879. Later in the Shaw Block. Drug Store.
Probable Significance:  Moderate
Source:  Carberry Plains, Century One / The Carberry Plains, 75 Years of Progress  / / People of the Big Plain / 61, 668
Images:  N/A
Content:  Little additional information