Churches  & Cemeteries

Sites with Links, GPS and Nearest Intersection

**Scroll down for more details & photos.

1. Johnson Family Cemetery - Hwy 5 Rd 27N

2. Victoria Methodist Church

N49.47404, W99.31477 -  Hwy 5 / Rd 32N

3.  Frelsis Church
N49.46660, W99.24405 - Rd 31 1/2 N  79W

Grund Cemetery 
N49.46637, W99.23523  - 
Rd 31 1/2 N  79W

5.  Bru Church Original Site
N49.48769, W99.15735  -  Rd 32 N 73 W

6. Bru Cemetery  N49.48769, W99.15735 -  Rd 32 N 73 W

7. Greenway United Church

8. Marringhurst Cemetery 
N49.22907, W99.08826 -  Rd 15N  71 W

9 Rock Lake United Church Camp
N49. 209038  W99.139006 -  Rd 74 W at Rock Lake

10. St. George’s Anglican Church (Glenora)
N49.25164, W99.15504

11. Neelin United Church 
N49.22986, W99.34991

12. Neelin Cemetery 
N49.23679, W99.35916 -  Rd 16N 84

  13. Tri-Leaf Hutterite Cemetery
(NE 25-4-14) RD 22N 79W

14. Argyle Cemetery 
N49.34073, W99.24700 - Rd 23 N 79 W

15. Baldur Cemetery  N49.37858, W99.24637

16. Baldur United Church

17. St. Mark’s Anglican Church (Baldur)

18. St. Immanuel Lutheran Church (Baldur)

**For more information about these sites visit the Argyle Special Places Project

1. Johnson Family Cemetery

Established in 1907 on SW 21-5-14 by Johann & Groa Jonson in a beautiful hilltop location. It is the only private cemetery in Argyle. Please respect that it is on private property.

2. Victoria Methodist Church (SE 21-6-14)

Built of local stone on SW 21-6-14 and opened for first service in December of 1904 with Rev. Seller. Alex Card was one of the builders. Byring Hallgrimson made the pews

The church was home to fowl suppers and local school Christmas Concerts.
The church closed in 1943.

N49.47404, W99.31477

Source: Gordon Goldsborough

The Original Hecla School, nearby on  (S 16-6-14) was used for Methodist services used until Victoria Church was built in 1904.

3.  Frelsis Church (NW 12-6-14)

Frelsis Church was built in 1889 by the Grund & Bru Lutheran Congregations on land bought from Sigurjon Snidal. In 1896 the Belfry/Steeple was added It is a Designated Heritage Site

N49.46660, W99.24405

Rev. Mr. Andrew, a Methodist minister stationed in the Stockton district, used to come over to the Grund Community and held services in the home of S. S. Christopherson. (SE 10-6-14)

4  Grund Cemetery (NE 11-6-14)

Established around 1890 on 2 two acres donated by Johannes Sigurdson.

N49.46637, W99.23523

5.  Bru Church Original Site (SE 21-6-13)

N49.48769, W99.15735

6. Bru Cemetery (NE 16-6-13)

Established in 1884 on land donated by Jon Olafson
N49.48769, W99.15735

7. Greenway United Church

In 1913 the members and adherents of the Presbyterian Church in and around Greenway built a church.

Early Histories refer to the Methodist Otenaw Circuit which included Excelsior, Grund, Belmont, and Rosehill. Otenaw
(NW 16-5-13) services would have been held at a home. The Minister was Rev. James Hoskins in 1884.

Dry River School (NE 21-4-12) was used for Presbyterian Services – beginning with Rev. Cairns

Rev. John Cairns preached in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Craig
(NW 22-4-13) until the Excelsior school house was built. He had a great territory to cover. Other points were Glendenning, Stark, Dry River, and Glenora.

Excelsior  School (SE 21-4-13) The school was used for services for several years.

The home of Jos.  Stevens (16-4-13)  was used before before Excelsior School was built.

Rev. John Cairns Homestead (SE 22-4-13)

Rev. Cairns was likely the first Presbyterian minister in the Greenway district. He came about 1884 and homesteaded on the farm later owned by Mr. Horace Forbes. (SE 22-4-13)

8. Marringhurst Cemetery & And Original Site of St. George’s Anglican Church (W 24-3-12)

N49.22907, W99.08826

Established in 1889 on land donated by Mr. Bell and Mr. Bellehouse

Nearby Marringhurst School (NW 30-3-12)  was sed as a Methodist / United Church until 1967

The first church services in the Marringhurst District were held at Mr. McQuarrie's,
NW 19-3-12 in a log house that was later used as a granary by Mr. Mc Williams.

A Manse for Presbyterian Ministers was donated by R.S. Thompson at the SE corner of 35-3-13

9 Rock Lake United Church Camp

Rock Lake Summer School commenced in 1897-98, and it has a history which parallels the developing religious thought and practice of the Methodist Church.

  10. St. George’s Anglican Church

Glenora was without at Church until St. George’s Anglican was moved from Marringhurst in 1925. It remains there, a Designated Heritage Site and a fine  and well cared-for example of early Prairie Church architecture

N49.25164, W99.15504

Wigton School (SW 6-4-13) also served as a place of worship.

11. Neelin United Church

Located in the village of Neelin on land donated by W. Henwood
N49.22986, W99.34991

 12. Neelin Cemetery (NW 19-3-14)

Established in 1917.

N49.23679, W99.35916

In the area between Neelin and Baldur services were held at  several locations.

The Wm. Stark homestead (NE 5-5-14) hosted the first Methodist services in the district were in his home until Rosehill School  (NE 16-4-14) was used in 1889.

In the early 1880’s, Bethel Church was built on the W.J. Welsh farm. (NE 34-4-14).  It was later moved to Baldur where it served as the Presbyterian Church.

  13. Tri-Leaf Hutterite Cemetery (NE 25-4-14)

The Colony is located on former Davidson Farm, originally homesteaded by John Strang.
The Cemetery was started in 1982, it is the only Hutterite Cemetery in Argyle

14. Argyle Cemetery (SE 35-4-14)

Argyle Cemetery was established in1888
on land donated by pioneer Peter Strang.

N49.34073, W99.24700

15. Baldur Cemetery NW 12-5-14

Established in 1907, when the Cemetery Co. purchased land from Tom Cramer and sold shares with Dr. Cleghorn chair and Alex Fowler secretary.

N49.37858, W99.24637

  16. Baldur United Church

Built at 202 Second Street in 1904 as a Methodist Church. The Rev. H. J. Miller was minister at the time. The building is a Designated Heritage Site

St. Mark’s Anglican Church

Built in 1898 on Oak Creek Rd N

St. Immanuel Lutheran Church

Built in 1907, with Arni Sveinson as Head Carpenter. It is located on Oak Creek Rd. N