Pioneer Churches and Cemeteries in The R.M. of Argyle

the historical record, we have included even locations that no
longer carry any sign of the once - important historical purpose.
Locations marked with an asterisk have a cairn or building (something
to see in other words).
For more details see the short histories on the
following pages.
1. * Baldur Churches
2. Johnson Family Cemetery (SW 21-6-14)
3.* Grund (SE 10-6-14)
4. Original Hecla School Site (S 16-6-14)
5.* Victoria Methodist Church Cairn (SE 21-6-14)
6.* Frelsis Church NW 12-6-14
7.* Grund Cemetery NE 11-6-14
8.* Bru Church Original Site (SE 21-6-13)
9.* Bru Cemetery (NE 16-6-13)
10. Otenaw Site (NW16-5-13)
11.*Greenway United Church (Village Cairn)
12. Dry River School (NE 21-4-12)
13. J. B. Craig homestead (NW 22-4-13)
14.* Excelsior School Cairn (SE 21-4-13)
15. Homestead of Jos. Stevens (16-4-13)
16. Rev. John Cairns Homestead Site (SE 22-4-13)
17. * Marringhurst School (NW 30-3-12)
18. Mr. McQuarrie's Homestead NW 19-3-12
19. *Marringhurst Cemetery & And Original Site of
St. George’s
Anglican Church (W 24-3-12)
20. Presbyterian Manse Site (SE 35-3-13)
21.* St. George’s Anglican Church (Glenora)
22.* Wigton School also served as a place of worship.
(SW 6-4-13)
23.* Neelin United Church
24.* Neelin Cemetery (NW 19-3-14)
25.* Rosehill School Cairn (NE 16-4-14)
26. Wm. Stark homestead Site (NE 5-5-14)
27. Bethel Church Site (NE 34-4-14)
28.* Argyle Cemetery (SE 35-4-14)
29. Bethel Church Site (SE 35-4-14)
Argyle Cemetery
Baldur Churches
The first Presbyterian and
services were held in the upstairs
of the Stilwell Blacksmith shop. In the year 1891 a frame church from
the Tiger Hills was hauled to Baldur and church services of all
denominations took place there until churches were built. In 1898 an
Anglican church was erected with Archbishop McRae as dedicator and Rev.
Belter as rector.
In 1900 the Presbyterian Church was erected, a solid brick edifice of
ample dimensions, with a basement for Sunday school, all heated by a
furnace, sat a cost of $3,000.00. The dedicatory services were
conducted by the pastor, the Rev. McKay at 11 a.m. and Rev. T. B.
Wilson and the Rev. J. J. Clemens in the evening.
In 1904 the Methodist church was built on the corner of Second and
Carrey at a cost of $10,000.00. It was opened on October 16, 1904. The
Rev. Hamilton Wigle, B.A., of Regina, President of the Assiniboia
Conference, preached the dedicatory sermon. In 1907 the Lutheran Church
was built on the corner of Government Road and Carey Street. It was a
white brick edifice. The dedicatory service took place on Nov. 24th,
1907. The President of the Synod, the Rev. J. Bjarnason, and the Rev.
F. Hallgrimson officiated On the following Monday a grand
concert was given under the auspices of the Lutheran Ladies'
Aid. The three churches carried on work actively.
The Anglicans organized Girls' and Women's auxiliaries. The Methodists
formed the Trail Rangers, Mission Society and Ladies Aid. The
Lutherans formed the Ladies Aid and Young People’s Club. During the
Great War the Baldur people organized a Red Cross Societyand sent many
parcels overseas. The Ladies' Aids and W.C.T.U. and other societies
that had formerly been organized contributed large sums of money to
their church and Mission funds by various entertainments and bazaars
Baldur United Church

Built at 202 Second Street in 1904 as a Methodist
Church. The Rev. H. J. Miller was minister at the time. The building is
a Designated Heritage Site
St. Mark’s Anglican Church

Built in 1898 on Oak Creek Rd N
St. Immanuel Lutheran Church

Built in 1907, with Arni Sveinson as Head
Carpenter. It is located on Oak Creek Rd. N

2. Johnson Family Cemetery

Established in 1907 on SW 21-5-14 by Johann & Groa Jonson in a
beautiful hilltop location.
It is only private cemetery in Argyle
3. Grund (SE 10-6-14)
Rev. Mr. Andrew, a Methodist minister stationed in the Stockton
district, used to come over to the Grund Community and held services in
the home of S. S. Christopherson.
4. Original Hecla School Site. (S 16-6-14)
The school was used for Methodist services used until Victoria Church
was built in 1904.
5. Victoria Methodist Church (SE 21-6-14)

Built of local stone on SW 21-6-14 and opened for first service in
December of 1904 with Rev. Seller. Alex Card was one of the builders.
Byring Hallgrimson made the pews
The church was home to fowl suppers and local school Christmas Concerts.
The church closed in 1943.

6. Frelsis Church (NW

Frelsis Church was built in 1889 by the Grund & Bru Lutheran
Congregations on land bought from Sigurjon Snidal. In 1896 the
Belfry/Steeple was added It is a Designated Heritage Site
Grund Cemetery (NE 11-6-14)

Established around 1890 on 2 two acres donated by Johannes Sigurdson.

8. Bru Church Original
Site (SE 21-6-13)

9. Bru Cemetery (NE 16-6-13)

Established in 1884 on land donated by Jon Olafson
10. Otenaw (NW 16-5-13)
Early Histories refer to the Methodist Otenaw Circuit which included
Excelsior, Grund, Belmont, and Rosehill. Otenaw services would have
been held at a home. The Minister was Rev. James Hoskins in 1884.

11. Greenway United Church

In 1913 the members and adherents of the Presbyterian Church in and
around Greenway built a church.
12. Dry River School Site (NE 21-4-12)
The school was used for Presbyterian Services –
beginning with Rev.
13. The J. B. Craig homestead (NW 22-4-13)
Rev. John Cairns preached in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Craig until
the Excelsior school house was built. He had a great territory to
cover. Other points were Glendenning, Stark, Dry River, and Glenora.
14. Excelsior School (SE 21-4-13)
The school was used for services for several years.
15. Homestead of Jos. Stevens (16-4-13)
The Stevens home was used for services before Excelsior School
was built.

16. Rev. John Cairns
(SE 22-4-13)
Rev. Cairns was likely the first Presbyterian minister in the Greenway
district. He came about 1884 and homesteaded on the farm later owned by
Mr. Horace Forbes. (SE 22-4-13)

Marringhurst School (NW 30-3-12)

Used as a Methodist / United Church until 1967
18. Mr. McQuarrie's Homestead NW 19-3-12
The first church services in the Marringhurst District were held at Mr.
McQuarrie's, in a log house that was later used as a granary by Mr. Mc

19. Marringhurst Cemetery & And Original Site of St.
Anglican Church (W 24-3-12)

Established in 1889 on land donated by Mr. Bell and Mr. Bellehouse

20. Presbyterian Manse Site (SE 35-3-13)
A Manse for Presbyterian Ministers was donated by R.S. Thompson at the
SE corner of 35-3-13

21. St. George’s Anglican Church

Glenora was without at Church until St. George’s Anglican was move from
Marringhurst in 1925. It remains there, a Designated Heritage Site and
a fine and well cared-for example of early Prairie Church

22. Wigton School (SW 6-4-13) also served as a
place of worship.
23. Neelin United Church

Located in the village of Neelin on land donated by W. Henwood

24 Neelin Cemetery (NW 19-3-14)

Rosehill School (NE 16-4-14)
In 1882, owing to exertions of W. J. Porter and others, a schoolhouse
was built at Rose Hill which for some time after 1889 was used for
Methodist church services.
26. Wm. Stark homestead (NE 5-5-14)
The first Methodist services in the district were in his home until
Rosehill School used in 1889.
27. Bethel Church (NE 34-4-14)
In the early 1880’s, Bethel Church was built on the W.J. Welsh farm.
(NE 34-4-14). At a The decision was made at a meeting, of which the
Rev. Wm. McKinley was chairman, and which included Tom Leslie, Messrs.
Rogers, Huffman. During the ministry of Oliver Darwin, Bethel Church
was moved to town.

28. Argyle Cemetery (SE

Argyle Cemetery was established in1888
on land donated by pioneer Peter Strang.

29 Tri-Leaf Hutterite
Cemetery (NE 25-4-14)

The Colony is located on former Davidson Farm, originally homesteaded
by John Strang.
The Cemetery was started in 1982, it is the only Hutterite Cemetery in

30 Baldur Cemetery NW 12-5-14

Established in 1907, when the Cemetery Co. purchased land from Tom
Cramer and sold shares with Dr. Cleghorn chair and Alex Fowler
United Church Camp
