The Dream
and the Journey

Icelandic Society – A Brief History
Although Irish Monks may have settled briefly in Iceland prior to the
first visit by Norse raiders, it was Vikings, specifically renegade
Chieftains, who established a lasting settlement.
They had known about the island for some time. A Viking sailor named
Naddooddur happened upon it while lost, and a Swede named Gardar
Svavarsson circumnavigated it about 1860.
The first attempt to settle was by a Norwegian named Floki Vilgeroason.
He landed in the northwest but a severe winter killed his domestic
animals and he sailed back to Norway.
It’s no surprise that he named it Iceland.
Beginning in 874 many settlers came to Iceland from Norway and the
Viking colonies in the British Isles. A Norwegian named Ingolfur
Arnarson led them, bringing along with his family, slaves and animals.
By 930 the Chieftains had established a form of governance, the
Althing, essentially the world’s first parliament.
Iceland was independent throughout this period, a time known as the
“Old Commonwealth”. Its historians began to document their story in
books they called “Sagas of Icelanders”
During the 12th century conditions on Iceland deteriorated. Overgrazing
and the destruction of the forests led to soil erosion. Lack of wood to
build ships left the Icelanders dependent on Norwegian merchants. At
that time wool, animal hides, horses and falcons were exported from
Iceland. Timber, honey and malt for brewing were imported. Some
Icelanders began to look to the king of Norway to protect trade.
Feuding between clans also contributed to the decline. Icelanders who
desperately wanted peace eventually realized the only way to obtain it
was to submit to the Norwegian king.
In 1280 a new constitution was drawn up. The Althing continued to meet
but its decisions had to be ratified by the Norwegian king. Furthermore
the king appointed a governor and 12 local sheriffs to rule.
In 1397, with the unification of Norway and Denmark, Iceland fell under
Danish control.
The 14th and early 15th centuries were also troubled years for Iceland.
In the early 14th century the climate grew colder. Then in 1402-03 the
Black Death struck Iceland and the population was devastated.
Conditions improved in the 15th century. At that time there was a big
demand in Europe for Icelandic cod and Iceland grew rich on the fishing
In the 17th & 18th a strict Danish-Icelandic Trade Monopoly hurt
Iceland’s economy. The poverty of its people was further aggravated by
a series of natural disasters (especially a particularly destructive
volcano in 1783) that resulted in a population decline.
An independence movement resulted in the restoration of the Althing in
Home Rule was established in 1904, but it wasn’t until after World War
I that full independence was gained.
These are the events and forces that shaped the lives of Icelanders up
until the time of extensive migration to the “New World”.
In 1870 many groups began exploring options for re-settlement in North
The Last Straw

On 3
January 1875, Mount Askja, a large active volcano, erupted,
spewing millions of tons of debris into the air. Over the next few
weeks, dozens of eruptions occurred, filling the sky with smoke.
Finally, on the second day of Easter, Mount Askja erupted with
tremendous force. The lethal smoke and ash filled the air and rained
down upon Icelandic settlements across all of Iceland.
Askja erupted again in 1961 – but the minor eruption lasted only a few
This disaster was additional incentive for the migration of twenty
percent of Iceland’s population to North America. Winnipeg became the
most popular destination during the 1880s. To this day, Manitoba
remains North America’s centre for Icelandic culture and activities.
The localities of Gimli, New Iceland, Riverton, Lundar, Morden,
Lakeview, Erickson, Baldur, Arborg, and Glenboro are known for their
Icelandic cultural influence.
New Iceland
Sigtryggur Jonasson, father of New Iceland
Source: Archives of Manitoba
One group
of Icleanders settled in Kinmount, Ont., in 1872 but they
found that conditions there were unsuitable and decided to keep
looking. In October of 1875, Sigtryggur Jonasson, with the assistance
of John Taylor, a missionary who was to become a lifelong friend to the
Icelanders, moved the settlers a spot along the shore of Lake Winnipeg.
Here they established the "State of New Iceland" with its own
constitution, laws and government, although in all except local
matters, it remained under the authority of the Canadian Government.
The form of self-government was modeled on the Althing back home.
The Vatnsthing (‘Lake Parliament’) ruled over four districts:
• Vidinesbygd (‘Willow Point Community’, now the
Gimli District);
• Arnesbygd (‘Arnes Community’);
• Fljotsbygd (‘Icelandic River Community’, now the
Riverton District); and
• Mikleyjarbygd (‘Big Island Community’, now Hecla
An 1877 map showing the New
Iceland settlement
on the
western shore of Lake Winnipeg.
Archives of Manitoba
Iceland represents an important episode in the early settlement of
the Canadian West. The arrangement made with the Canadian Government
enabled them to preserve their language and cultural identity while
quickly becoming a valued and respected Canadians. Numerous descendants
maintain vibrant traditions and close ties with Iceland.
Taylor, missionary and Canadian agent for the New Iceland Colony,
no date.
Archives of Manitoba
Hard Times
But the beginnings in New Iceland were a challenge. The first winter
set in unusually early and was extremely cold; there was a scarcity of
food, warm clothing, and housing. Added to these problems, scurvy and
other diseases took their toll of life. In 1876, a smallpox epidemic
swept through the settlement and New Iceland was put under quarantine
until 1877. The next three winters were so wet that hay crops were
ruined and cattle were starving.
Iceland pioneers posing in front of their log cabin in the Gimli
area, no date.
Archives of Manitoba
the settlement took hold and thrived, based largely on
fishing and forestry, but for those more interested in agriculture the
grass did indeed seem greener to the south and west.
Icelanders landed at this 'White Rock' located on the beach.
Island Park has been developed by the Amason brothers and the
White Rock on which the settlers symbolically landed has been polished
and raised on a foundation.

Landing at Willow Point
Island is lined with lakeside homes today.
New Beginnings in Argyle Municipality
Everett Parsonage, who had worked for John Taylor in Ontario, had
settled at Pilot Mound and wrote to his friends in New Iceland,
encouraging them to come west and settle. In August of 1880, Sigurdur
Kristofersson and Kristjan Jonsson set out to visit their friend.
Parsonage guided them in a northwesterly direction to an area where
there were as yet, no settlers except two men, A.A. Esplin and G.J.
Parry, who were living in a tent. Sigurdur and Kristjan were impressed
with the land - much of it in rolling prairie grass with small lakes
and wooded areas. It would be easy to break and there would be plenty
of hay for cattle. When Parsonage rode to the crest of the hill
overlooking the land near the present sight of Frelsis Church, he
galloped back and shouted, "I have found Paradise!"
hills, small lakes and fine views
In the Nelsonville land office, near where Morden was later located,
Sigurdur filed entry for the first homestead in the Icelandic
settlement of what was to be Argyle - SE 10-6-14. He named his farm
"Grund", an Icelandic word meaning grassy plain. At Nelsonville he also
bought a scythe and walked back to his homestead to put up stacks of
hay for the cattle in the spring. Parry and Esplin helped him. They
were just out from England and had no experience in putting up log
buildings. Sigurdur had some experience in this and he helped them
build a cabin.
A few weeks later Parsonage guided Sigurdur's father- in-law, William
Taylor, along with Skafti Arason to the same area where they also took
up homesteads.
Meanwhile, Fridbjorn Fridriksson and Halldor Arnason, accompanied by
several younger men, drove 30 head of cattle from new Iceland to
Parsonage's for winter feeding. This was a long and difficult task,
taking them several days just to get the cattle across the Assiniboine
Parsonage gave Fridbjorn and Halldor directions to Argyle and they also
filed for homesteads. These then were the first six men to come from
New Iceland to homestead in Argyle: Sigurdur, Kristjan, William,
Skafti, Fridbjorn, and Halldor.
The following spring, on March 15,
1881, four families joined them:
‘Skajti Arason: with his wife Anna and two small children. He brought
three work oxen and one pony hitched to four sleighs. On one sleigh, he
had built out of lumber a small frame house 6' x 10'. He also had 10
Gudmundur Nordman: came alone with two work oxen pulling two sleighs
and all his belongings.
Sigurdur Kristojersson: left his wife Caroline and two small children
in Winnipeg with friends, to come out later. He brought his belongings
in two sleighs and a few head of cattle.
Skuli Arnason: brought all his belongings in two sleighs pulled by two
oxen, and he had a few head of cattle. One sleigh was covered and he
brought his wife Sigridur and four children.
They travelled to Winnipeg, on to Portage la Prairie, then in a
southwesterly direction. After 17 days they arrived on March 31, in the
east end of the settlement near Skuli and Gudmundur's homesteads.
The last day the weather turned bitterly cold and snowy. To save the
exhausted oxen some belongings were left along the way.
When night came, they camped together at a bluff near Skuli's land. The
cattle were suffering from extreme cold and hunger. The weary settlers
camped near the shanty of two settlers, Parry and Esplin, until
April 15, Good Friday, when each went to their own land. The day was
beautiful and mild, and in a few days the snow was gone. They camped
and helped one another until their cabins were built.
A new chapter had begun.