Glenora District Borders Lake Resort
(Continued from Page 14)

store keeper still rings. Tom Etsell, an Englishman put up the first dwelling house in Glenora. Now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Balkham. Mr. Ed Ford had the first Blacksmith shop and later took out the International agency in 1908. Mr. G. Fraser operated the first lumUe'r yard arŽound 1905 — also had the Post-Office from 1903 to 1909.

He then transferred the Post-Office to Chas. Lumbers in 1909. Mrs. Lumbers has been postmistress since that time up to the present which is a record of over 30 years. Mr. and Mrs. Lumbers came from England and built in Glenora in around 1908. They have a fine large house and a part of the dwelling is being used for the post-office. Mr. Lumbers operates a Threshing outfit in the Fall. Richard Collins, an English veterŽan of the Boer War, was another early builder in Glenora. Dick worked on the C.N.R. section for many years and on account of illness had to leave the track in 1939. Mrs. Collins was also English. W. Gray is an old pioneer now living a retired life in Glenora. Mr. W. King of the early days and a son of the late Sam King, who lived to be over 100 years of age, is one of the districts best historians and resides in the village. Mrs. Alf Leslie, 88 years, is another old pioneer living in Glenora. Mrs. J. I. Crayston, her only daughter, resides on 20-3-13.

The above represents the firsts residents of the town.

Glenora has not grown very fast since it originated in 1904. It has a large hall and a very fine one-room school house, which was built in 1912 by Roger Brown, who was known as one of the Brown boys in the early days. In 1940 Glenora has two general stores, one operated by A. M. Lindsay and the other by W J. Macklin, in the building formerly operated by the late J. Carrel, who run the store for about 10 years. S. Hicks of Pilot Mound was the first station agent in Glenora. The railway concluded it did not pay to keep an agent at Glenora and Mr. Hicks moved away. John Croften was once appointed Mayor of Glenora and district and he is still known as Mayor Croften.
Glenora had one of the best ball teams in this area at one time and has a good skating and curling rink.
The English Church was moved to Glenora in 1926 from 24-3-13 while United Church services are held in the school house.
The present population of the town is about 75.
In and around 1900 a number of land buyers came in from the States and a large number of the early setŽtlers sold out and moved away.

War Activities

Glenora and district was not lacking when the call to arms came in the first Great War. Some of the boys who made the supreme sacrifice from this district were Francis Pierson, Sam Woods, Clarence Standing, Oliver Sole, W. H. Odell, J. McFadden, Harry Landers, Donald Fraser.

The names of the above are engraved upon the large  monument in the Memorial Park at  Pilot Mound along with the names of their comrades, and once a year friends and relatives  go to this  Park and attend the Memorial  services and honor their late loved ones. Glenora also contributed  generously to war organizations and  lent a willing hand in Red Cross work.

The Enchanting Districts of Grund and Bru
(Continued from Page 8)


2-6-14 - SE E. J. Snydal, NE Helgi Thorsteinson
SW   Baldwin   Benidickson ,NW   Benedikt   Gudlaugrur
4-6-14 —SH Evan Jones, NH James Dale
6-6-14 —SE Joseph Davidson, SW  Benoni  Gudmonson, NW Hernet Christopherson, NE Jon Jonson
10-6-14 - WH John Badger, EH   S.   Christopherson
12-6-14 - SW Christian Johnson , NW  Sigurjon  Snydal
NE  Johannes   Sigurdson , SE  Christian Sigurdson
14-6-14  EH Wm. Hearn, NW Johann Johannson . SW Kristen Stefanson
16-6-14 - SE  Ami  Sveinson, SW Bjorn Josephson , NH James McNichol
17-6-14 - EH A. K. Card , WH A. W. Card
18-6-14 - NH  Hough  McNichol , SW  Samuel Madas
SE John Hamilton
20-6-14 - SH Thomas Hill, NH Edward Blain
22-6-14 - SW P. G. Nordal, SE Magnus Goodman, NW Oljeir Fredrickson, NE  F.  S. Fredrickson
23-6-14 - EH  John  Goodman
24-6-14 - SW  Benidikt  Einarso,n SE Johannes, Strang Skafti Arason NE,  Gudney Aradottir
26-6-14 - NH Ami Ayford

28-6-14 NE  Fredick Jonson SE Sigmar Jonson SW  Christian  Sigurdson NW Jacob Helgason
30-6-14 SE Jonas Jonson, NE John Thofdarson, NW Bjorn Anderson
32-6-14 SW  Steve  Christie, NH Mr. Gowanlock
33-6-14 NW Mr. Ward, EH Mr. Moore
34-6-14  NW Mr. Ward, EH Mr. Moore
34-6-14 NW  Mr.  McKenzie NE John Dowd SE Thorkel Erickson
36-6-14 Wm. Thompson

An able article appeared in the Baldur Gazette in the year 1902 on Iceland and its people and I give one quotation which may be of special interest to some of the readers. The writer says that, "The Icelanders are staunch Protestants and the most loŽyal, innocent pureminded people in the world.  Crime, theft, debauchery and cruelty are almost unknown amŽong them, and as a people they are lovable and hospitable."

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