Mortgage Sale Of Valuable
Farm Property

Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain indenture of mortgage, there will be offered for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION at the Baldur Hotel in the Village of Baldur, in the Province of Manitoba, on Saturday the thirteenth day of April, A.D. 1940, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, the following property namely;

The East half of Section Twelve (12) in Township Five  (5)  and Range Thirteen (13) West of the Principal Meridian in the Province in Manitoba  except 65-100 acre taken for a road out of the South-East quarter of said section.

The Vendor is imformed that about 240 acres have been brought under cultivation, of which about 70 acres were summerfallowed in 1939, and that there is situated on said land the following: an old frame and log house, a frame stable about 32 ft by 64 ft; and a frame granary about 18ft. by 26ft.

This property will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid, to taxes which have have accrued since the first day of January, A.D. 1940, and to a share of crop lease expiring on the first day of November, A.D. 1940.

TERMS OF SALE — Twenty percent of the purchase price to be paid in cash at the time of sale, and the balance in accordance with the terms and conditions to be made known at the time of sale.

For further particulars, terms and conditions of sale apply to

Vendors Solicitors,
Portage la Prairie, Man,
DATED this 20th day of March
A.D. 1940.

Baldur Churches Grow With District Settlement

ST. MARK'S, BALDUR By Rev. Edw. A. Syme

As far as can be ascertained from local records the history of the Anglican Church in Baldur dates back to the year 1888, when His Grace, Archbishop Machray, of Rupertland, licensed the Rev. W. L. Cheney to the parish of Glenboro and Baldur. Services were conducted in various homes and building in the village for a period ot ten years. It was in 1898, with Rev. W. E. Hobbs as rector, that the congregallon, stirred with the enthusiasm ol such men as Messrs. T. E. Poole, P. F. Curtis, J. Ovenden, and C. A. Hamilton, decided to build a church. The building was completed the same year, and consecrated in the name of St. Mark.

After the Great War the church was greatly improved by certain structural alterations and with the installation of new furniture within the chancel and sanctuary. It was on Whitsunday, 1923, that an oak altar was dedicated "To the Glory of God, and in memory of Charles Frederick Stevens, of this parish; and others of this district, who died in action, 1914-1918." The two sanctuary chairs were dedicated at the same service.

A new pulpit, lectern, prayer-desk, and altar-rail were added, and as the result of the efforts of the G.A. under the presidency of Miss Rose Hamilton, together with the inspiring and de- voted leadership of Nurse Robinson, a beautiful stained glass window was built into the east, end, and dedicated in August, 1934.

Naturally, in the passage of fifty- two years, a long list of clergy together with many laymen and women have made valuable contribution to the life and work of the church in this corner of God's Vineyard. Space does not, of course, permit the naming of many, and it is hoped that the naming of some will not cause offence to others.

Among the clergy there is one name outstanding as far as ecclesiastical honours are concerned. The Rt. Rev. A. H. Sovereign, Lord Bishop of the diocese of Athabaska, will be remembered by some as the young divinity student who was in charge of the services in Baldur during the summer of 1905. Perhaps the most beloved among the clergy is the Rev. Canon Nelson C. Smith. He, more than any other was known as one of God's Gentlemen; a loyal friend, and a faithful administrator of all that God had committed to his keeping.

There have always been a goodly number of laymen taking a keen and lively interest in the life and work the church in Baldur. One who has been active with St. Mark's since 1892 and is still quite active in all the undertakings of the church, is Mr. Edward Groves. Other laymen who have been outstanding through the years are Messrs. T. E. Poole. P. F. Curtis, J. Ovenden, C. A Hamilton, S. Cooper, F, Stevens, H.L. C. Wait, R. S. Hodge, Mr. Bailey, W. Bray, G. M. Beech, and G. Turrell.

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