before God and men. Nothing,
short of actual organization, house of worship and minister can achieve
this end, and from the very first no stone is left unturned that this
may become an accomplishment The east community lies in range 13 while
the west part is in range 14. The size of the community seems from the
very beginning of the settlement to point to a definite division east
and west. However one congregation is at first organized embracing all
farm homes. But it is achieved only through divided meetings for the
east and west half and dual election of officers. The first
organization meeting was held at the home of Bjorn Sigvaldason on SW
22-6-13. Jon Olafson called the meeting. "All farmers" are present and
36 persons of over 18 years join in forming a congregation which they
call Frikirkju congregation, indicating by the name, their non
attachment to any state church. This was New Year's Day 1884. Trustees
elected were: Bjorn Jansson. Skapti Arason, Skull Arnason.
Deacons were: Bjorn Jonsson, Kristjan Jonsson, Jon Olafson. Jon Olafson
was secretary.
These men were declared officers, only after having counted votes from
the meeting held at Wm. Hearn's residence SE 14-6-14 on January 6,
1894. No president of congregation is elected. The congregation chooses
chairman for each of its meetings, that duty falling quite often in
Bjorn Jansson.
By fall they have called Rev. Jon Bjarnason of Winnipeg as their
pastor. He shall serve them 1/8 of the year, and receive 1/8 of his
salary of $1000 in return. They still keep on with their religious
meetings, conducted by laymen, and Sunday school every other Sunday,
one in each part of the country. After little more than a year, the
west community secedes from the east and organize their own
congregation at a meeting in Hecia school, on SE| 16-6-14 on July 26,
1885. 49 persons withdrew from the Frikirkju congregation.
The new organization is named Frelis congregation, meaning absolute
independence. They elected permanent president Kristjan Jansson and
secretary Fridrik Jansson. Trustees were: Sig. Kristopherson, Ami
Sveinsson, Porstein Antonius. Deacons were: Fridrik
Jansson, Krisjan Jansson, Paora Ponsdottir.
Together the two congregations secured the same Jan Bjarnason as
pastor, but only "as he is able to find time to serve them." Through
1886 and 1887 he came once a year. In 1888 there was no minister but
they were ready to
build a church. 1889 the Grund church was heady for the meeting of the
Icelandic Synod. In March 1890 the first permanent pastor arrived, Rev.
Hafsteiwn Peturson. All went well, near 700 confirmed youngsters were
in the two congregations. The pastor left in 1893. A student pastor, B.
B. Jansson served that summer but in 1894 and 1895 they were again
without a pastor. In 1896 Student J. J. Clemens served during the
summer. When synod met he accepted a call the following year and served
until 1901. Once more they were without a shepherd, but in October 1903
Rev. Fridrik Hallgreinson from Iceland came to re- side in the house by
the church. He left in 1925, when K. K. Olafson became the pastor and
served until 1930, at which time the present incumbent, Rev. E. H.
Fafnis was called. From the time of a permanent pastor the work
expanded; a parsonage was built near Grund church in 1898. In the
village ol Baldur where several families settled, Sunday school was
begun; formation of a congregation was discussed; a church was erected
and formal organization of the Immanuel
congregation was effected on November 20,
1907. Trustees were elected as follows: Kristjan Jansson. president;
Kristjan Benedictson. treasurer; Olafur Anderson,secretary: Sigurjon
Cristopherson; Anton H. Isleirg.
The pastor moved his residence to Baldur in 1908 and until K. K. Olapan
continued to reside there. The work in Glenboro began early, around the
actual forming of the congregation was delayed until October 19 and 20.
1919 when they saw a possibility to buy the Methodist church left
vacant after church union. The first president; G. J. Oleson,
secretary; J. Sigvaldson, treasurer; John Gillis; Stephan Christie.
The residence of the pastor was moved to Glenboro in 1925 when a new
parsonage was built there.
The Lutheran church has expanded its work, and progressed with the
people. The four congregations own their beautiful churches, which are
a monument to progressive leadership in spiritual things. The best of
relation- ship has always existed between it and the neighboring
Icelandic has been the language of worship, but is now to some extent
being replaced by the English tongue But the Icelandic characteristics
survive all changes of language and location and will enter into the
pattern of the Canadian future and give its best to adorn
X-Rays Cut Claims
A chewy, chocolate-covered concoction of peanuts and fudge. Oh Henry!
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subsidiary of $1,250,000 General Candy Corp.—is pestered with damage
suits. In 1936, 100 people claimed they had broken teeth, bruised gums
or damaged their