Pivotal Events

Timeline ... 1870 - 1879

The World

1876:  Battle of Little Bighorn, June 25 and 26. A combined Lakota, Northern Cheyenne and Arapaho force, overwhelms the 7th Cavalry Regiment of the United States.

1876: Alexander Graham Bell successfully transmits the first bi-directional transmission of clear speech. An improved design for the “telephone” was patented the next year.



The newly created Northwest Mounted Police march west from Dufferin, Manitoba, on passing the Turtle Mountains they have a brief glimpse of some of the Minnesota Sioux and their white captives.  


1874 - July 31 - First Russian Mennonites arrive at Winnipeg on the steamer International.

1878 - December 4 - First freight by rail reached St. Boniface. Two days later, the first freight for export was shipped by rail from St. Boniface via steamer.

Rapid City (originally known as Farmer’s Crossing) established. A Land Office was located there.  

First grain elevator built in Niverville.

Steamboats service established the Assiniboine as far as Fort Ellice.

Arden and the R.M. of Lansdowne

Anticipating the great settlement boom of the 1880’s a trickle of adventurous souls lead the way into this land in the 1870’s.


Red Fife wheat introduced.


Depot built on the current site of Arden – first used as a base for supplies for survey parties and later occupied by the North West Mounted Police. The log building sat where the Post Office is now located.


The first building on the site of Arden.

An ad from 1878 refers to the landmark above.


An invasion of grasshoppers leaves “not even a green willow” in the Gladstone region.

First shipment of Red Fife wheat from Western Canada. (857 ˝ bushels.)

William Millar and wife homesteaded in the (Snake Creek) Salisbury district. He built a log house  and soon was operating a Post Office and small store known as the Halfway House.


The site of the Half-way House at Millar’s served as a dwelling, store & Post Office.


William & Mrs. Millar


Western Canada produces 1,100,000 bushels of wheat.
Large groups of settlers come to the Mekiwin and Salisbury districts.


School classes held in the Rose Ridge area, east of Arden, in the home of Thomas Dunning.