Government & Society

As Boys Will Be Boys, Men Will Be MEN By Supt. John E. Religa
(retired), Ottawa, Ontario
RCMP Quarterly Spring 1998 p. 66, 67

One hundred and twenty-five years ago, in early October,
1873, a group of men headed west from Toronto. They were members
of the newly-organized North-West Mounted Police. This article does not
extol the many courageous deeds performed by these men, but looks at
their human side. Many of them, for the first time, were subjected to a
strict military-type discipline and they often rebelled at the new
restrictions placed on them.
Like any military or semi-military organization, the North-West Mounted
Police had rules, regulations and orders to govern the actions of its
members. Service files provide a look at how some early members
of the Force managed to run afoul of the new constraints placed on
them. The list that follows briefly describes the different kinds
of charges that members faced in service court in 1874 and 1875, and
the penalties imposed. When considering the monetary penalties,
one must bear in mind that the rate of pay for the lowest ranked
constable in 1874 was 75 cents per day.
May 5, 1874 Feigning sickness when warned for duty and using abusive
language to Supt Welch.
Fined $15.
August 1, 1874 Using threatening language toward another member and
threatening to strike him. … Fined $2.
August 2, 1874 Cantered his horse on the line of
march to catch up with his troop …. Admonished.
August 26, 1874 Using Government property in QM Stores without
permission and leaving potables exposed to the frost. … Admonished.
September 1, 1874 Neglect of duty when on sentry by allowing a bag of
flour to be taken from an ox cart. … Fined $5.
September 8, 1874 Carrying an uncovered scythe on horse back. …
September 16, 1874 Absent from parade. … Fined 75 cents.
September 19, 1874 Leaving his horse on the line of march. … Fined $5.
October 1, 1874 Malingering when warned for guard. … Fined $15.
October 8, 1874 Committing a nuisance in front of the camp. … Fined $1.
October 11, 1874 Making a false statement to the advance guard
concerning water. … Fined $5.
November 12, 1874 Leaving camp for the purpose of shooting after
telling the Asst. Surgeon that he could not go to the buildings because
he had no boots. … Reprimanded.
December 1, 1874 Taking an axe that did not belong to him. …
January 5, 1875 Not getting up when called. … Fined 75 cents.
March 15, 1875 Direct disobedience of orders by refusing to mount guard
on the morning of the 15th. … Fined $15.
April 12, 1875 (1) Creating a disturbance and quarrelling in the
barracks and (2) striking and kicking another member in the face at the
same time. … Fined $7.50.
April 13, 1875 Disobedience of orders in refusing to sound the
Regimental Call when ordered. … Fined 75 cents.
June 9, 1875 Breaking barracks after watch setting. … Fined $5.
June 12, 1875 Not getting up when called. … Admonished.
June 25, 1875 Galloping his horse in the barrack square and
disobedience of orders. … Admonished.
July 14, 1875 Mutinous conduct in aiding to release a prisoner from the
guard tent. … Fined $22.50.
July 15, 1875 Direct disobedience of orders in refusing to go on
fatigues when ordered by Cst. Johnston. … Fined $22.50.
October 2, 1875 Creating a disturbance in the barracks square after
Last Post. … Fined two days’ pay and imprisoned for two days with hard
October 14, 1875 Disobedience of orders by not taking away a horse’s
nose bag when ordered. … Admonished.
November 20, 1875 Direct disobedience of orders in refusing to quarry
stone when ordered. … Admonished.