Mate's Log:
10, 1997,
Still at Bunclody Bridge Manitoba
There are three
tactics you might follow in these dangerous situations:
Tactic #1 : Run
Tactic # 2: If
you can't run away, hide!
Tactic #3 :
Attact - Don't resort to this until Tactics 1 and 2 have been tried.
You've made a
sensible decision. But where can one hide? You turn away from the
hatch, and decide to put some distance between you and the visitors.
Just as a set of legs begins making it's way down the ladder from the
hatch you spot a doorway and step inside.
You each take a
deep breath and then begin to look around. That doesn't help much, so
you try feeling for a light switch. You find one and in an
instant....you solve the mystery!
For you are in a
large low room filled with row upon row of crates. On each of those
crates is the familiar triple B logo underscored by the words :
"Bunclody Bottled Beverages". You've stumbled upon the top secret
bottling plant of the countries fastest growing beverage supplier.
So this is where
they get their secret ingredient!
So now you know.
But you're not out of the woods yet. (I know, I know - another
Several questions
come to mind :
1. This place is
secret, but is it illegal?
2. Does this have
anything whatsoever to do with the decling river levels?
3. How do we
explain our presence in their storage room?
Unfortunately you
don't have much of an answer to any of the questions. And you don't get
much time to think about it because the door opens and in walk two
undercover R.C.M.P. officers. You can tell that they're undercover
R.C.M.P. officers because they've each got little patches on their
shirts that say, "Undercover R.C.M.P."
It turns out that
the Bunclody Bottled Beverages has been operating secretly and
illegally. The secret ingedient in their line of "River Fresh" organic
soft drinks is Souis River water, and they've been using it without a
permit from the Environmental Protection agency.
You feel proud to
have arrived at the same conclusion as the R.C.M.P. did after their
extensive 23 month investigation!
The Real End !!

Your hours of hard work and dedication have paid
finally off.
Or perhaps you just got lucky.
Feel free to try another route.