Illustrated Souvenir of  Brandon,  Manitoba  Published by W. Warner,  Brandon : About This Project

About This Project

The Illustrated Souvenir of Brandon is one of many photo collection booklets produced throughout the prairies, usually to
promote the charms of the local area.

The Brandon Heritage Advisory Committee has two copies of the original booklet.

One was recently donated by Dennis Ings, from Surrey England, who received the book from his father, Henry John Lawrence Ings who,
as a young man spent time in Canada. The other one was sent by  Louise Hathaway from Marwayne, Alberta.

To allow us to both use and preserve these items we have digitally reproduced them, and have stored the originals safely away.

The photos were scanned at 600 dpi and enhanced using Adobe Photoshop Elements, the text was re-typed, and the booklet was reprinted,
allowing us to share the contents in a format that is close to the original.

The final step was processing the images and text for this web version.


Ken Storie