Although Legacy was based in
Melita, I had recently moved from Brandon, and our Drummer Ken Sowiak
as well as our Sound Tech, Del Clark were from Brandon.
In 1978 I was getting comfortable
my teaching position in
Melita School.
At school, I started
offering guitar lessons and my next band Legacy came about when several
of my students wanted to move on out of the band room and into the
bars. (Well not the bars right away, but soon enough.)
Sharon Bugg and Lawrence
Hicks were in my Grade 8 Language Arts class in my first year at Melita
School. I believe that it was Sharon who first asked me about guitar
lessons. Lawrence was soon involved as well.
I had never taught lessons before
I have no real musical training. My approach was to show them the
chords and work through a beginners guide which offered the usual
simple standards selected for easy of playing. To supplement this I
quickly added chord patterns and intro licks to current and standard
pop songs.
That caught their attention.
Because I
taught the lessons in small groups we were soon playing
songs together, one strumming the chords and others playing a melody.
It was sort of like playing in a band.
I think the word spread and I was
approached by Jamie Axford who was two years younger than Sharon and
Lawrence. Before long
the three were taking lessons as a team and showing an
interest in learning whole songs like a band. We had four guitarists
(counting me) so Lawrence opted
to try bass. From then on we worked on songs as a team with me filling
in any missing parts or just leading. The next step was getting a
When I tried to steer them towards
creating the band with me acting as advisor, supervisor etc, they
rejected that and asked that I play as a member.
Local School Band drummer Jay
came on board. Although I soon learned that both Jamie and Sharon could
sing, they were busy with their guitars so we recruited two singers as
well. I remember Alana Lindbloom and Alana Loucks singing with us.
Jamie was 13 and Sharon and
were 15 when we first performed at an event at the school.
After a few lineup changes Greg
became the drummer, Sharon and Jamie took over the singing duties and
we were performing at socials and high school dances throughout Westman
under the name "Sound Barrier".
It is hard to describe how much fun I was having
with this. I was re-introduced to playing modern music after an
extended hiatus. I thought that because I was a teacher and family
man, those days were over. Now under the guise of helping young
players I was back at it.

On the Lord Selkirk
Jamie's dad, Jim, was our unofficial manager
and all-round supporter.
He got us a deal on the Lord Selkirk. We did it twice.
These photos our from our first visit in the
late summer of 1880

Jamie's dad, Jim, soon
became our unofficial manager and all-round supporter. He let us use
his van and trailer and found us bookings. In our early days he got us
a deal on the Lord Selkirk – a free cruise for us and our families in
return for two nights of entertainment. We did it twice.
I had certainly never stopped
the new music I heard on the radio, and it was both a challenge and a
joy to figure it out and play it. Since leaving Blind Justice in 1973,
I’d followed the appearance of new groups such as Heart, Styx,
Foreigner, April Wine, Toronto, Loverboy, Journey and Streetheart, now
I had a chance to try that material.

At first an important part of our
target audience was the multi-age group that attended socials. We mixed
our modern rock songs with a few old standards and did some pop stuff
such as Abba, and party songs like those by The Irish Rovers. For high
school dances we had a full set list that was edging towards serious
rock n, roll.
Ken Storie, Lawrence Hicks,
Greg Loucks, Sharon Bugg, Jamie Axford
When Gregg left for college we
Ken Sowiak, from Brandon, on drums. Ken
had played with CP Express. CP Express was a project started by
guitarist and teacher Jerry Perkin out of Crocus Plains High School. It was an amazing program that introduced
countless aspiring musicians to Westman
audiences. CP Express played in the Melita gym as part of their
annual tour of high schools and we made contact with Ken. Del Clark who
also worked with CP Express became our sound tech and we struck some
sort of deal to use their sound system. Along
the way the new name was "Legacy"
With the new name and new lineup
some new equipment. Backed by some pretty solid earning potential we
bought matching Peavey amps. Sharon upgraded to an El Degas guitar and
Jamie who had already bought his Ibanez Iceman, added a red Strat. We
bought a Korg synthesizer to be better able to imitate the synth-heavey
groups of the day. Sharon and Jamie each learned a bit about keyboards.
It was one of the early synths that would only play single notes, but
it had a great range of sounds and effects (Think helicopter sound for
the start of Streetheart’s “One More Time”, or the spacy line in the
Car’s “Just What I Needed”
For a while we had another
keyboard, I
remember playing it on a Bryan Adams song, and remember Jamie playing
it on a Journey song. Before long I bought one of the first Roland
Guitar Synthesizers and that allowed me to play the keyboard parts on
Jamie quickly became a very
and intuitive guitar player and a good vocalist. Sharon played a mix of
guitar and keyboard and had a good grasp of the rock vocal style of the
times – able to wail away at Heart’s version of Led Zeppelin’s “Rock n’
Roll” and doing an excellent job on Pat Benetar songs.
Her version of “If You Think You Know How to Love
Me” (youtube link)
which we recorded for a CKX TV show, is just great. Lawrence also
had a natural feel on bass. Quiet on stage, he was our Bill Wyman. Ken
Sowiak continues to be a powerful and precise drummer.
Writing this reminds me of how
much we
all loved the material we were playing, and how we brought a bit of
individuality onto the hits of the day. My background in what is now
classic rock perhaps, mixed with the interests and pop culture savvy of
my much younger band mates, made us a little different from the run of
the mill early eighties cover bands in the region.
Highlights of those very productive
years 1981 & 82 include our many summer gigs at Kenosee Park, our Summer "Tour" to Winnipeg Beach and
Portage, regular stops at both bars in Roblin, two years at Brandon
Fair, the Boissevain Turtle Derby Social and high school dances across
Westman and southeastern Saskatchewan.

Brandon Fair - Our second

Samples from the Song List
Heart : Bebe le Strange, Rock n'
Even It Up, Magic Man
Loverboy : Jump, The Kid is Hot Tonight, Working For the Weekend,
Little Girl
Harlequin : Innocence, Can't Hold Back
Toronto : Your Daddy Don't Know, Even the Score, Silver Screen, Let's
Spend the Night Together
Patti Smith : Rock n' Roll Star
Greg Kihn Band : Breakup Song
Quarterflash : Find Another Fool
Streetheart : One More Time, Teenage Rage
Suzi Quatro : Breakdown