Guns n' Horses

Ken Storie, Sharon White, Dave Laco, Joe Stamper

As told by Ken Storie, 2017.....

Guns n' Horses was  formed  in 1990 when Dave Laco and I, then in Connexion, decided to  see if we could  cash in on the local popularity of Country Music, while keeping a tiny grasp on their  Rock n' Roll integrity. Hence the name, and the songlist,  that tried to  make a connection between modern country music and the likes of Lynyrd Skynyrd, the Rolling Stones, The Eagles etc.

When Dave Laco joined Connexion in 1989 he came with considerable experience "on the road" in the Western Canada circuit. Although, like all of us, he had started in Rock n' Roll, he had started working with popular country bands when that genre became more popular in the late 1980's. Frankly, that was were the money was.

We called upon former band mate from Connection, Sharon White, versatile guitarist-singer  Joe Stamper, and  quickly tied down a set list that we thought of a Country with a bit of an edge.  (And no cowboy hats!)

I met Joe through a mutual friend, Jim Hill. They had a band with another aquaintance from the old days, Blair Kruachi, and Mick Malone.

We rehearsed at Ken Daniel's Band Shack, and with Joe and I trading off on guitar and bass.  Sharon did most of the singing, with Joe and Dave taking their turns, and me pitching in from time to time.

Oak Lake is memorable in that Whalen, Geoff's Band was on the bill.

We did small town socials, wedding dances and bars.

While we did mainly country and rock covers, both Sharon and Joe are songwriters.
We did a full set of originals at a Brandon Folk Festival, and we recorded a demo of Sharon's songs in Del Clark's studio.

Joe left to pursue other interests and we recruited Vaughn Thorsteinson on bass. Vaughn was also a versatile guitarist and we were to work together on another project. (Deja Vudu)


Here we are at the Lions Telethon. It was likely one of our last gig. Sharon was about to add to her
family (again!) and it seemed like a good time to to call it a day. Fond memories.