45 R.P.M. - Bios

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Ed (Bass and Vocals)

personal data :

Age : Older or younger than Ken?

credits :

Ed has more years of experience than he cares to mention. Rumour has it HE was the fifth Beatle.

Ed has played with th Omen for ... most of his life. Anyone remember the Son's Of Eve... Ed, Slim Chicken... Ed again. Our best guess is that he can play and sing literally hundreds of songs - even knows the words to a few of them.

notes :

Ed has more hair than the rest of the band put together. No contest actually.

He was once nearly arrested for transporting a dead body.

It was all a big mistake. It was an ex-girlfriend. And she wasn't dead, just very lethargic. (That's why she was an EX girlfriend.)

influences :

Ecclectic - Iggy Pop, The Boston Pops, The Poppy Family - that sort of thing.

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