45 R.P.M. - Bios

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Dave (On the Drums)

personal data :

Age : In his forties - just a youngster!

Married - two children. Didn't wotk out so he married an adult. (Sorry - that's his old joke.)

credits :

Dave played with Ken in Connexion (& Guns n' Horses) Rumor has it that he toured with the re-formed Monkees. Actaully, he recently did tour but it was wih a reformed monkey! The media got it wrong as usual.

notes :

Dave is a founding memeber of 45 R.P.M. , CCR and the ASPCA (Remember the monkey?)

Call him Ringo. On second thought, Ringo, don't call him.

Dave once won a newspaper contest on the strength of his encyclopedic knowledge of the Beatles. ( I didn't even know the Beatles were into encyclopedias!)

He also once delivered newspapers to Ken's house. Sadly he was fired. Should have delivered them more than once.

influences :

Generally Bad.

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